
Alton Brown Adopted a Kitten and Named It After a Popular Asian Dish

Celebrity chef Alton Brown recently became a dad again, but this time, he’s the dad of something a bit furrier than usual.

Meet Stir-Fry, an adorable stray kitten with a love for squid, ninja activity, and woks.

Toward the end of May, Brown found a litter of three kittens under his office porch. Unable to resist their undeniable cuteness, he adopted one himself, and they quickly hit BFF status.

Proving to be a kindred spirit to Brown, Stir-Fry gave his new dad some inspiration for his name by claiming a wok as his personal throne.

In addition to bonding over Asian cuisine and its many delicacies, the pair have been practicing their best selfie faces, exploring what books have to offer, and learning the best ways to butcher squid. At this rate, Stir-Fry will be promoted to Brown’s sous chef in no time.

Brown may have even adopted a sibling of Stir-Fry’s. Taking to Instagram the other day, he introduced Shrimp-Toast, Stir-Fry’s brother. Even if he didn’t adopt the equally-adorable Shrimp-Toast, how cute is it that he’s keeping the kitty-fam together?

Cat-loving foodies across the globe are surely refreshing their Instagram feeds, eager for a Stir-Fry & Co. update.

But Wait, There's More

Brown isn’t the first celebrity chef to give his pet a food-inspired name. Chef Bobby Flay is the proud owner of Nacho Flay, a sassy Maine Coon. Nacho’s fluffy mass of orange fur is what earned him his food-inspired name.

Chef Sunny Anderson has not one, not two, but three cats — all with rather hilarious names. Milky Mouth, a gray cat with a white muzzle, got his name because Anderson says “his mouth looks like he dipped it in milk.”

Truffle Tycoon is Anderson’s gray Maine Coon — maybe a distant cousin of Nacho Flay’s? According to Anderson, he gets his name from the fact that he was found "in dirty ol NYC on an ASPCA truck, that's the Truffle part. He was already named Tycoon by former owners. {He's a} Maine Coon, get it?"

Kitty sibling number three happens to be the poster kitty for the phrase, “’scaredy cat.” Sea Salt Hitchcock, a small gray cat named after the appearance of unrefined sea salt, hides the majority of the time and is afraid of his own tail.

I can only hope that more celebrities will be moved by the sheer adorableness of Stir-Fry and adopt their own furry friends. Until then, I’ll continue stalking Alton Brown’s Instagram, waiting for another glimpse at the life of a chef pet.