
Adulting? These Are Staples You Should Always Have In Your Pantry

Presented by Spoon University x Tasty Bite

Idk about you, but I feel like I’m ordering groceries for delivery or curbside pick up constantly. So one of my new year’s resolutions is to shop smarter and stock up more on food that makes me feel good (like my favorite ready-to-eat products from Tasty Bite!). Here are all of the items I’m keeping my pantry filled with this year and beyond.


Cans, boxes, and pouches of beans and legumes are some of my favorite things to keep on hand. Not only are they filling, but the recipes you can make with them are pretty much endless. The easiest and most flavorful option, though, is Tasty Bite Organic Madras Lentils. You can eat them on their own, add them to breakfast tacos or use them to make chili and so much more. 


I love grains - to me, no meal is complete without some! So I’m stocking up on dried pasta, quinoa, and rice in my next grocery order. Nothing beats microwavable pouches that are ready in under 90 seconds, though! Some of my faves are Tasty Bite’s Organic Basmati Rice and Organic Ancient Grains.

Baking essentials

If you’re craving something sweet but don’t want to make another shopping trip, whip up some cookies or granola with your baking essentials. Add flour, baking soda or powder, oats, sugar, vanilla extract, and chocolate chips to your next shopping list. (Pro tip: you can even use Tasty Bite’s Ancient Grains to bake homemade granola!) And if you’re feeling adventurous, have dried yeast on hand if you want to try making your own bagels or bread.

Dried fruits & nuts

Raisins, dried apricots, almonds, and walnuts are just a few of the best snacks to have in your pantry. Mix them up to make your own trail mix for when the mid-day snack cravings hit.


And if you’re a salty snack person, keep a can or two of pickles on your shelves. By themselves or as a side with lunch, they’re one of my faves. But don’t forget to hydrate after all of that salt!

PB & J

Nut butters, jams, and jellies are an obvious pantry staple, but they can be used for so much more than just the classic sandwich! From snacks like homemade granola balls, cookies, and frozen treats, you won’t regret stocking up on these items!

Idk about you, but I’m now starving and ready to online grocery shop. Brb, adding everything to my cart!