
It’s Impossible to Rank Halo Top's Ice Cream Flavors, But I Did It Anyway

What do you call a large group of girls who are in the middle of stressing out about exam season? The perfect group of taste testers for Halo Top. Halo Top is ice cream that is low in calories and sugar and high in protein.

The company has inspired some pretty crazy (however entertaining) diet challenges, like eating nothing but ice cream for five days or even ten days. But the best thing about Halo Top is that an entire pint contains only 240 to 280 calories. The worst thing Halo Top it is that it's nearly impossible to stop yourself from eating a whole pint at once (which made taste testing pretty hard).

6. Lemon Cake

Lemon cake did not get outstanding reviews. Although it was described as "subtle," many of us found it to taste particularly artificial. One taste tester described it as, "Italian ice gone wrong."

A lot of people came to the conclusion that it tasted like Fruity Pebbles. If you're into a slightly fruity tasting kids' cereal, then lemon cake is the flavor for you. Otherwise, maybe go for a different flavor.

5. Birthday Cake

"Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake." This flavor definitely produced the best feedback given by any of the taste testers. It really summed up just how well the flavor embodies the taste of its namesake.

Although it didn't end up at the top of our list, birthday cake was well-liked for its rich and buttery flavor. In this regard, it isn't far off from traditional cake batter ice cream. The area where birthday cake got docked down was sweetness. 

As much as everyone loves sugary treats and great desserts, birthday cake tasted a bit overly sugary. One taster thought it was "flavorful and delightful," but the overall opinion was that it was too sweet and has a slightly weird texture. 

4. Strawberry

Strawberry is fun and fruity, but it can't quite match up to the top three. Despite it's lower ranking among the six, it was well-liked because it is the perfect amount of sweet. It manages to be both sweet and refreshing. 

Overall, it was described as "pretty good." It was generally the flavor that people enjoyed but wouldn't necessarily pick for themselves out of all the options. 

3. Mint Chip

"Yum" was all one of the taste testers had to say.

Pretty much the only people that didn't give mint chip the bronze were the weirdos who never like mint flavored treats. As one of them said, "it tastes like fluoride."

So if you're a mint person, this flavor is most definitely for you. If you're not, I'm sorry, you're missing out on a lot.

2. Vanilla Bean

As a chocolate lover, I always find vanilla bean to be a close second, and this time was no different. Vanilla bean is absolutely delicious and the beans really give it a flavor boost, but it just can't quite live up to chocolate.

The general consensus was that vanilla is the most similar to traditional ice cream, which is definitely a plus. Everyone thought that the vanilla beans made it seem the most natural, too. One taster even described it as a "life-changing experience" because it tastes just like vanilla ice cream but isn't as bad for you. Summed up in one word, the vanilla bean flavor is: dope. 

1. Chocolate

Clearly, you can't beat a classic. Good old chocolate wins the gold every time. Ringing in at just 240 calories per pint, chocolate delivers on flavor but spares you some of the unhealthiness of regular ice cream.

It's just right on the balance of sweetness and rich chocolate flavor. And you know it's got to be really, really good when a non-chocolate lover describes it as "so yummy!"