
A Definitive Ranking of Every Basic Bitch’s 7 Favorite Foodstagrams

It’s summertime and everyone is spending their days in a cubicle scrolling through Instagram to pass the time. However, the same food pictures just keep popping up. If you haven’t seen at least one of these photos today, you are probably not basic enough.

1. The Ramen Burger

Photo by Gabrielle Levitt

With the amount food Smorgasburg has to offer, you would think people are sick of these things by now.

2. Acai bowl

Photo by Danielle Cahoon

Smoothie bowls made with the esoteric acai powder are taking the Internet by storm. Trendy juice bars all over are selling these things and dedicated food bloggers are even meticulously placing various super foods on top. If anyone knows what acai really is (or how to pronounce it), feel free to let me know.

3. Rainbow sprinkle ice cream cone 

Photo by Alexa Levitt

Hint: bonus points if you make the ice cream truck visible in the background.

4. Gooey chocolate chip cookie

Photo by Alexa Levitt

Everyone’s a sucker for some dripping, gooey chocolate. These cookies can make even the healthiest eater crave a little something sweet.

5. Avocado toast

Photo by Alexa Levitt

Who would have thought there could be so many variations to avocado on bread? Eggs, meats and seasonings galore – avocado toast has really seen it all.

6. Bagel sandwich

Photo by Gabrielle Levitt

These sandwiches are not your basic bacon, egg and cheese. Girls everywhere have been adding anything from avocado to Oreos to their bagels and they do not seem to be slowing down any time soon.

7. Crispy rice and spicy tuna

Photo by Gabrielle Levitt

This sushi classic can always guarantee a solid 100 likes, especially if you add some jalapeño on top.

Next time you add an egg to your avocado toast or hold your bagel in front of an ocean, just know that you are most definitely not alone. Basic is just so boring.

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