
A Definitive Ranking of All Things Dark Chocolate Covered From Trader Joe’s

 Walking down the frozen food aisle at Trader Joe’s seems harmless. However all you fellow Trader Joe’s-ians know that one slight upward glance towards those shelves above, (the ones that carry all of our chocolate dreams) releases the inner chocolate monster that lives in all of us. 

So. Many. Dark. Chocolate. Covered. Everythings. This time, chocolate monster won. While not all chocolate covered snacks were snatched off the shelves at Trader Joe’s, the majority of the most appealing chocolate goodies were.

AND while the check out lady did look quite concerned, and there were a lot of confused (realistically jealous) stares, the taste testing involved for this definitive ranking was veeeery well worth it.

10. Dark Chocolate Mint Creams

“Chocolate covered toothpaste”. Not many differing views unless you… like to eat toothpaste? One outlier exclaimed they were York Patties on steroids (in a good way), to which we proceeded to hand him the entire box.

9. Dark Chocolate Coconut Almonds

Big time mixed reviews here. From “crappier almond joy” to “I will eat this entire box”—these guys are a call of personal preference. To some the coconut tasted a little fake, to others, it was tropical paradise. Definitely worth the try if you’re curious.

8. Dark Chocolate Covered Cranberries

No real complaints here, very similar to the classic chocolate covered raisins but a little sweeter. These guys aren’t really worth the try. If you’re choosing between these and raisins, raisins are the way to go.

7. Dark Chocolate Covered Caramels

The chocolate caramels were waaay too big for most. The filling to chocolate ratio however was fabulous. The caramel filling was thick, chewy, gooey, and stretchy with a hint of salt. They’re like “classy” rolos, just too darn big. Unlike the chocolate covered pomegranate seeds, it was a struggle to just finish one.

6. Dark Chocolate Covered Edamame

Smoky, salty, crunchy and light, these chocolate snacks ALSO contain some serious soy protein. (So they’re basically a health food, right?) They give the sensation of eating a nut, but they’re not as heavy. There was feedback on a similarity with chocolate covered pretzels in texture and saltiness.

5. Dark Chocolate Covered Raisins

A classic. Everyone loves ’em. Sweet, addicting, and same old same old… in the best way.

4. Dark Chocolate Covered Ginger

With these snacks you’ll get an amazing, gooey, almost creamy texture. For those of you who like a little spice, this snack is for you. The dried ginger center gives you a gummy, bold kick and the dark chocolate finishes with a rich aftertaste. These candies will wake up the tastebuds and refresh your mouth.

3. Dark Chocolate Covered Pomegranate Seeds

Surprising super star. These little munchies are dangerous because of their size, you feel as though you could eat the whole container. The dried pomegranate seeds make the center almost juicy. They’re sweet, tangy and sour, with the perfect ratio of dark chocolate—also a fantastic topping for ice cream, froyo, yogurt, etc.

2. Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans

Much easier to sneak into the library than a cup of coffee (yes, it’s still finals week for some of us), these dark chocolate covered espresso beans provide quick energy, airy crunch, and the best balance of savory, sweet and rich. Basically mini mocha bites. 

1. Dark Chocolate Almonds with Sea Salt & Turbinado Sugar

Hands down, unanimous winner. The combo of roasted almonds, sea salt and turbinado sugar made these guys perfectly salty-sweet with an addicting crunch. Regardless of what you’re buying at Trader Joe’s, add these to the grocery list. Now.


It seems as though it is already widely accepted that Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupsare off the charts amazing/addicting. Realistically, if not causing a tie in the results these bad boys would have taken the #1 spot. However this time we decided to give some other dark choco treats a chance. But here’s what they look like for those of you who live under a rock.

And yes currently unwrapping pb cup number 5 as I procrastinate for finals.