
9 Wellness Resources at K-State You Should Know About

Kansas State University prides itself on its "family" attitude. When a member of the family isn't doing well, there are several K-State services and organizations here to help. Here are nine wellness resources available to K-State students.

Counseling Services

One of the most prominent wellness resources on campus is Counseling Services, housed on the second floor of the English and Counseling Services building. From emergency situations to scheduled therapy sessions, count on Counseling Services for anything related to stress management, individual counseling and even career advice.

Lafene Health Center

Physical wellness is important, so if you're feeling under the weather, a trip to Lafene Health Center is worth the time. Lafene is a general health clinic, so patients can walk-in or make an appointment for flu shots, illnesses or anything else.

SafeZone at K-State

K-State's SafeZone community is literally spread all over campus, as it's a program for students and faculty to become resources for any person in need help. By becoming an ally with SafeZone, the faculty and students involved can display the SafeZone sticker, letting others know that they are a confidential person to talk to.

K-State Family Center

The K-State Family Center, an extension of the School of Family Studies and Human Services, serves individuals as well as couples and people with children. If you want to participate in group therapy or are seeking couple's therapy, their offices in the Campus Creek Complex are where you should go.

K-State CARE Office

The Center for Advocacy, Response and Education focuses on aiding survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, and other related concerns. Previously known as the K-State Women's Center, the CARE office has expanded its services and programs to cater to all students, faculty, and staff that need a confidential resource.

LGBT Resource Center

There are many LGBTQ+ clubs and organizations to get involved in at K-State — from SAGA to oSTEM — and they all fall under the LGBT Resource Center umbrella.

In their Holton Hall office, students can chat with the staff, learn more about accepting and inclusive programs, all in a safe environment. It's a great place to visit whether you have a personal concern or just want to get involved with the queer community at Kansas State.

Wildcat Wellness Coalition

The WWC is the Recreational Service's extension that unites K-State's other wellness resources and promotes them. Students can learn about the eight dimensions of wellness and where to find help on their website.

Powercat Financial

Powercat Financial doesn't seem like your typical wellness office, but if your stress comes from financial insecurity and anxiety, here's your first stop. Powercat Financial is staffed by student employees who can help others with managing debt, paying student loans, budgeting, and other money-related issues.

University Life Café

K-State's University Life Café, an extension of Counseling Services, is a web-based resource for students to find information on mental health issues and discuss those problems. K-State students are able to contribute to the Café Chats anonymously if they wish.

As part of the K-State family, every student has access to these various wellness resources. The people in these organizations can help you when you need it the most, so don't hesitate to seek aid and acceptance.