Every relationship has its ups and downs. Instead of constantly fighting and drunkenly Snapchatting your ex to get back at your current boo, let food fill the cracks of your crumbling relationship. Try out some of the suggestions below and watch your love re-blossom.
1. Take a cooking class together
Nothing brings you closer together than a tiny Italian woman screaming about how you’re both screwing up the pasta dough. Plus, there’s always tons of wine involved with cooking, so do Bey proud and get drunk in love.

Photo courtesy of megan-mckinley.healthcoach.integrativenutrition.com
2. Surprise your boo thang with a heart-shaped pizza for dinner
It will remind you two of the love you share for each other. And no one can be upset when melted cheese is in front of his or her face.

Photo courtesy of couponclippingcook.com
3. Feed each other fancy gourmet chocolates
(Or you can just eat the entire box before your SO gets home and deny everything.) Regardless of who actually eats the candy, chocolate is a natural aphrodisiac, so you can both reap the benefits…*wink wink*

Photo by Christine Chang
4. Wear a food-themed couples costume to your next house party
Show the world that there’s only room for one slice of bread with jelly on it in your life. That’s true commitment.

Photo courtesy of promocode4share.com
5. Order a cookie cake shaped like your girlfriend or boyfriend’s face
Nothing says “I’m sorry I screwed up” like a giant replica of someone made entirely of frosting.

Photo courtesy of buttermaidbakery.com
6. Pack a lovely “wine and cheese” picnic that you two can share together on a beautiful spring day
When bees, ants, spiders and all of nature’s other hellish creatures start attacking you, run back to the car screaming and appreciate that you’re both safe and alive.

Photo courtesy of paintingyouwithwords.com
7. Cook up a pound of crispy bacon
You will both be happier than you’ve ever been before.

Photo by Leigh Needham
8. Instead of fighting over who gets to choose the take-out place for dinner, you can each order from your fave place using the EatStreet app
EatStreet provides you with a list of the best local eateries and you can order from the app with the click of a button. Plus, most of the restaurants deliver, so you can your boo can spend that extra time cuddling and/or kicking each other’s butts in Beatles Rock Band (which is totally a thing and should make a come back).

Photo by Rachel Williamson
9. When in doubt, stick a diamond ring in a cupcake and propose
Now you two are stuck together and you’ll have plenty of time to solve all of your problems. I can already hear the wedding bells.

Photo courtesy of 41.media.tumblr.com
Use the code: FEED3U ($3 Off, $10min, First Order Only, Cannot be combined with exclusive specials) Expires April 26
This post is sponsored by EatStreet.