
9 Thanksgiving Foods You Can Make with Just a Microwave

Thanksgiving is a day for being thankful that your favorite pair of jeans come in a size up. If the freshman fifteen hasn’t struck yet, you can avoid it no longer. It’s all about eating, which means that you have full permission to stuff your face while feeling (relatively) guilt-free about it. Totally awesome.

The problem is how to actually make the food.

If you (like me) have bravely decided to throw a dinner party this year before realizing that you actually have no idea how to cook (what’s a spatula again?), then you’ve come to the right place. These simple recipes will have you cooking like a domestic goddess in no time. The only things required? A microwave and a sense of adventure.

Maple Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Photo courtesy of

As a Canadian, I put maple syrup on everything. I’m talking eggs, bacon, ice cream, toast — if the item can be consumed, there will be maple syrup on it. So what better way to start Thanksgiving than with pumpkin seeds coated in maple syrup? Trick question. There isn’t one.

Sweet Potato Chips

Photo courtesy of

Thanksgiving is the season of stuffing yourself silly, and nothing tastes better than an alarming amount of potato chips. Offer your guests a healthy alternative to packaged Lay’s by making your chips using sweet potato. Make sure to bake extra for yourself. You’ll want them for binge-watching Netflix later.

Spinach Dip

Photo courtesy of johnneystiletto on

Pressed for time? This 4-ingredient spinach dip will still give you time to prep the main course, fold the napkins into turkeys, and (let’s get real) hide the laundry collecting around your room. Your new friend from chemistry never has to know about the Hello Kitty pajamas.

Homemade Chex Mix

Photo by Susanna Tuan

Who says college has to be about grown-up stuff like electric bills and laundry? Do a #tbt to when you still had braces and embrace Chex Mix this Thanksgiving. Go ahead and add a few extra candies. Your mom’s not there to stop you this time.

Ham Pinwheels

Photo courtesy of Amancay Maahs on

Trying to incorporate some meat? Ham pinwheels are easy to make and even easier to eat. Plus, they look professional enough to be served in the White House. Score.

#SpoonTip: Try wrapping white pita bread around sliced turkey and cranberry sauce instead for that extra holiday vibe.

Cinnamon Apples

Photo courtesy of lithoglyphic on

What tastes more like fall than cinnamon and apples? This yummy appetizer will have your guests feeling like they’re eating an apple pie straight out of the oven. Stack ’em in bunches of 5 or 6 using toothpicks for a gourmet touch.

Chocolate Filled Strawberries

Photo courtesy of

A new twist on a classic flavor. With the chocolate inside the strawberry, you don’t have to worry about sticky fingers all over your white bed sheets and fuzzy pillows. Plus, the chocolate doesn’t flake off when you bite into the strawberry. Total win.

Cranberry Sauce

Photo by Helena Lin

Okay. Strictly speaking, this recipe requires an oven. But before you panic, embrace the laziness and try sticking the ingredients in a bowl and microwaving on low heat for ten minutes instead. Once the cranberry sauce is ready, dollop spoonfuls on baguettes with a smear of brie cheese. Guaranteed success.

4-Ingredient Pumpkin Pie

Photo by Jayna Goldstein

There’s a reason traditions exist. Like Thanksgiving, pumpkin pie is an event that never goes out of style. Switch it up by serving pieces of pie as a sweet appetizer instead of a dessert. The best part of this recipe? It has less than five ingredients, and it takes longer to say the name of the recipe than to prepare it. Best. Deal. Ever.

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