
9 Motivational Mantras to Get You Back on Track

Let’s take a poll. How many of us made some form of the “I’m going to eat healthier and get more fit” resolution this year?

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Well, kudos to us for braving the mass migration of gym goers. Now let’s take another poll.  How many of y’all are still aboard the health wagon? It’s the dead of winter, and motivation seems to be directly correlated with temperature these days, so don’t fret if your resolutions are becoming less resolute. There are bound to be days when you just don’t wanna.

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To chocolate or not to chocolate? To run or not to run? Ah, what existential questions they are. Not to worry, you aren’t alone. I can assure you that even though February is the best month for food, I, too, am feeling the February blues. So here’s a compilation of the 9 best health-me-ups, the 9 motivational mantras to live (and eat!) by. Repeat after me: I will get back on track!

1. Every slip is not a fall.

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Disappointed about a dietary decision or a missed workout? Don’t be. One teensy slip is just that–a teensy slip. All that matters is that you get back up.

2. Every morning you wake up is another chance to get it right.

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New day, new beginning. Clean slate, people. YOU decide how your day will be, so why not choose happy? Why not choose healthy?

3. Eat better, feel better.

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Don’t you just love the feeling after nourishing your body with clean eats? The guy who switched diets with a girl sure did.

4. You are so worth it.

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Sometimes life’s a [insert expletive here]. Consequently, eating well and staying active can seem like a challenge. But they’re worth it. Because YOU’RE worth it.

5. It’s a good day to have a good day.

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Start off the day with ray of positivity. Look forward to good things, and good things will come.

6. There are seven days in a week and someday isn’t one of them.

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Darn straight. Save your goals from drifting into the hazy realm of “someday”.  There are only so many tomorrows, guys. Why not start today? Use these 5 tips to transition to healthy eating.

7. You cannot fail unless you quit. So don’t quit.

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Quitting is for noobs. You’re not a noob.

8. When you feel like quitting: think about why you started.

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If you do ever feel yourself experiencing noob-like symptoms, it helps to think about the why over the how. Are you changing your eating habits to have a healthier body? To fuel yourself for your fitness goals? To just be awesome in general? Remember your WHY. Then the how will follow.

9. Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.

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At the end of the day, give yourself a pat on the back. Setting healthy goals is already a great accomplishment. You are an inspiration.

Feeling rejuvenated? Reactivated? Remotivated? Good. Go forth and show me what you’ve got.

Now if these quotes weren’t enough to perk you up, a personal penguin trainer is sure to do the trick.

Photo courtesy of chibird