
9 Instagram Accounts That Will Help You Love Your Brown Skin

In this day and age, social media can make it hard to love yourself as you are, especially if you're a brown girl. With few body-positive role model to look up to in mainstream media, it can be a bit hard to get inspired by your own look and love the skin that you're in. But don't worry- I've got you covered. Here are 9 follow-worthy Instagram accounts that will help you love your brown skin and inspire you to reach for greatness:

Issae Rae (@issarae) 

This "awkward black girl" started off on Youtube, where her series The Misadventure of the Awkward Black Girl blew up and she became the recipient of the coveted Shorty Award for Best Web Show. Making the huge jump from Youtube to HBO, her latest Show Insecure is should be everybody's must watch list. The way that she wholeheartedly embraces her beautiful dark skin in everything she does is nothing short of inspiring.


This start-up non-profit organization is committed to changing the stigma of mental health in the black community. For an uplifting daily reminder of how awesome dark skin can be, be sure to follow the hashtag #EndtheStigma for even more inspo delivered on the daily.

Whitney White (@naptural85)

This natural-haired Goddess started out as a graphic designer before branching out into the world of natural hair blogging with videos on Youtube. She works her ass to provide natural-haired girls with all of the tools, tips, and tricks necessary to take care of and love their curls, which is super important in a world of relaxers and glorifying straight hair. 


Because Queen Bee slays! Seriously though, Beyonce is the epitome of #goals, no matter your skin tone, so this one isn't even a question. 

Quinta Brunson (@quintab)

Quinta B gained the attention of Buzzfeed with her viral Instagram series The Girl who's Never Been on a Nice Date. Now she writes, directs and acts in skits for the website, while also holding a position as a development partner at Buzzfeed Motion Pictures. And it all started with an Instagram video. So go ahead- post that selfie. You never know where it could get you.

Jo Franco (@jofran0)

If you've always dreamed of traveling but haven't been able to find a buddy to share the experience with, don't let that stop you, because it sure doesn't stop Jo. Although she does have her traveling partner, Damon, for their online traveling show and blog, Shut and Go, she's definitely not afraid to take on the world by herself, just because she can. In a world where it's kind of seen as weird to even eat at a restaurant by yourself, learning to enjoy your own company can be a huge step in enjoying everything life has to offer, even if that means doing it alone. 

Kelly Paulemon (@noiredelatour)

U.S born but raised in Haiti, Kelly's gorgeous Instagram feed will give you the confidence you need to pick up your phone or camera and take snap pictures of all of the people, places or things that inspire you the most. You don't need a fancy DSLR camera or the newest iPhone to create beautiful pictures of the things that inspire you. 

Winnie Harlow (@winnieharlow) 

Winnie Harlow was discovered through Instagram by Tyra Banks, who invited her to be on America's Next Top Model. Since then, she's gone on to become a super successful model. Winnie has a condition called vitiligo, which results in the loss of chunks of pigment in the skin. Winnie is a huge inspiration for little girls with this condition, because she proves that ALL skin is beautiful, no matter the color(s). 

Jessamyn Stanley

Jessamyn Stanley is a yoga teacher, body positive advocate, and writer based in Durham, North Carolina. Her Instagram page celebrates all body size and shapes ,and encourages a more self loving approach by substituting the phrase "How do i look ?" with "How do i feel?"

Regardless of your skin tone or shade, adding a bit of diversity into you feed can only help you embrace diversity and feel awesome about yourself, so go ahead and stalk these melanin-filled Instagram accounts and get uplifted and inspired with every scroll.