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9 Hilarious SNL Sketches About Food You Should Watch This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UDelhi chapter.

If you’re sitting as purposelessly as I am this summer vacation with nothing to do or are just plain procrastinating, you probably have found yourself mindlessly scrolling through the Internet, eventually falling into a rabbit hole of crazy information. I know it’s not just me. Well, instead of Googling what an avocado tastes like or if monkeys really do eat bananas, I’m here to help by providing some hilarious SNL food sketches for you to watch in your free time. You definitely won’t be wasting your time with these.

1. Taco Town 

Taco in a taco with cheese sauce in a deep-dish Chicago pizza, in a blueberry pancake means good advertising! If you want to step up your taco game, you better get on SNL’s level.

2. Trendy Restaurants

How many times have you been to the trendiest restaurant in town and wondered about their practices? This video parodies all of it with a twist: “Eat the corn outta the glory hole.” I’ll let you watch from here.

3. Almost Pizza

It’s not delivery, it’s not even DiGriorno — it’s Almost Pizza. In this sketch, no one can tell what the Almost Pizza actually is, and they’re not even really willing to try it. I think I’ll stick to my original ‘za, or if I want my own “almost pizza,” I’m going a slice of Naanza. 

4. Brownie Husband

“The perfect blend of rich fudge and emotional intensity” is what the Brownie husband promises. If you want to make your own Brownie husband, or let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, your Brownie Boyfriend, try it with this 3-ingredient Nutella brownie recipe.  

5. Michael Phelps Diet 

How many times have you questioned or been curious about Olympic athletes’ diets? Well SNL and Michael Phelps have the answer you’ve been looking for: But in case you’re still wondering, here’s an actual Olympian’s diet

6. Cat Cuisine 

How royal is your cat? Show her what fine dinning is all about with Feline Culinary Creations. A mini wine glass for your cat is sadly not included.

7. Blue River Dog Food

People are crazy about their dogs and understandably, they want the best food for their furry friends. If you’re unlike this SNL couple and haven’t thought much about switching your dog’s food, you can at least prepare these treats for your dog — you’ll be his or her favorite person.

8. Totino’s Pizza Rolls 

There is something wrong with the women in Super Bowl commercials — they’re usually serving food and never getting to watch the game! SNL poked fun at this issue in this sketch, giving women something to be excited about in the kitchen beyond their pizza rolls. 

9. A Thanksgiving Miracle

What unites a family with different opinions on Thanksgiving besides food? Adele. Adele will bring anyone’s strong, opposing opinions to a halt (we’re looking at you Great Aunt Merle) and unite a table over her beautiful voice and melodies.

So if you’re looking to spend your time wisely (yet you’re still trying to procrastinate), have a little laugh at these SNL food sketches. Then pull yourself together and get back to working on your end of summer bucket list. 

Devika is a Literature student who adores food. Talking, making and eating. She hopes to travel the world in search of food miracles and do a Le Cordon Bleu course in pastry and soup. She doesn't believe in the concept of dark chocolate, "its chocolate, its not supposed to be bitter, get it ?"