
9 Wholesome Food Memes Guaranteed to Make You Smile

1. This fulfilled donut

If this donut meme does not make you feel as warm as that cinnamon roll inside, I don't know what will.

2. The time that Gordon Ramsay showed us his romantic side

Who knew Ramsay could be so sweet (and clever with that fiance joke)?

3. This punny cat

What a cat-astrophe!

4. This potato that we should all relate to more

When I say, "I look like a potato," I am referring to the picture on the right.

5. This man who finally achieved his dreams

I hope to be this content one day.

6. This penguin who is so proud of himself

We should all celebrate our little victories like this penguin.

7. This corgi who is just loafing around

Is there anything more pure in this world? 

8. This appreciation of differences

This meme may be a little mac-and-cheesy, but we should all celebrate what makes us unique. 

9. This meme that speaks the truth that we are all more special than we think

You are garlic bread, and don't let anyone tell you anything different.