
9 Edible Cosmetics You Need to Try

I’m all about going organic, it makes every aspect of life just a little happier. So many companies are becoming environmentally conscious, this means more organic options for you at the store. We’ve compiled a list of cosmetics that are so good you can even eat them. Now, some of these things may not taste as good as it smells or looks, but it’s an invigorating feeling knowing that you’re using a product that is safe enough to consume.

1. Homemade Face Masks

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There’s literally thousands of these recipes that you can find on the internet, but a nice avocado mask is one of my favorite trends. It makes you feel like an organic flower child, while also creating clearer, brighter skin. There’s actually even a guac recipe that can double as a face mask, yummy.

2. Sugar Nails

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This is a new funky nail design trend. You take some wet nails and dip them in sugar to add a fuzzy, gritty texture. Of course there are polish companies trying to sell you a toxic bottle of the stuff, but try opting for the cheaper choice by heading to the pantry to try this one out.

3. Tarte’s Lip Scrub

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This lip scrub is delicious, which is reassuring because you’re supposed to rub it on your mouth. You can make you’re own at home with some coconut oil and sugar, but the brand name ones are packed with vitamins and oils that make it taste so good. There’s  nothing better than a soft pair of replenished lips.

4. Lush Soap Bar

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In case you didn’t have internet access this past March, the world was freaking out over Lush’s Wiccy Magic Muscles. It’s a massage bar made with beans, and when the soap melts away and the beans fall down the drain, they can actually start to grow. Totally better than having their products turn your skin pink like one girl in the UK.

5. NEO’s White Tea Toner

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So naturally (haha, get it?), all of these products are technically edible. That definitely does not mean that they taste good. This particular product has been described as “grandmother’s perfume” from Buzzfeed. A little pricey if you’re going to sip on it, but definitely worth the buy if you’re using it to cleanse your face.

6. Coconut Oil

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Duhh, if you aren’t already using this, let me tell you why you should. One jar can whiten your teeth, strengthen your hair, soften your skin, and cook a bomb ass dinner. There’s a crazy amount of benefits to using coconut oil, everybody can find at least one use to fall in love with.

7. Bite Beauty Lipstick

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Listen here, these lipsticks aren’t just totally edible, they’re gluten free, too. Finally, a lipstick that I can eat while watching my carb intake. Bonus: it apparently tastes good, as well, super sweet but oily. There’s about 40 different shades so that virtually everyone can rock a color. Definitely a step up from Lip Smackers.

8. Frutel’s Acne Fighting Chocolate

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Okay, so this is a chocolate, that you eat, that helps your skin fight acne? I’m in. This little chocolate is packed with tons of vitamins, it helps skin from the inside out. It’s vegan, kosher, and sugar-free which is crazy cool. Apparently, it’s mainly for teenagers, but I definitely will volunteer to eat some candy for the sake of my skin.

9. Jessica Simpson’s Dessert Beauty

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Who doesn’t remember this line of cosmetics? I’m sure Jessica Simpson didn’t mean to target this line to tweens, but that’s who was buying it. I would just brush it on my hand and lick off the fake sugary vanilla powder, but looking back, this product was definitely made for the use of two people. Definitely a bummer that her line got discontinued. RIP.

There’s plenty of organic and edible cosmetics on the market right now. They’re beneficial to your health and the environment so totally give it a try. There’s pretty much something for everyone, so when you go shopping for a new product, keep you’re eyes open for some of these amazing cosmetics.

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