
8 Things You Should Never Do at a Fast-Casual Restaurant Like Chipotle

As someone who used to have a customer service job, I’ve noticed that people tend to have a hard time figuring out the system of fast-casual restaurants and bakeries. I’ve been there too, holding up a line because I didn’t notice it was my turn or because I couldn’t decide if I wanted chicken or double chicken in my burrito. To set us all straight, I’m releasing a PSA about the correct etiquette when ordering at a busy counter.

Here’s what NOT to do:

1. Don’t pay attention when employees call out order numbers

It is painfully awkward to stand there calling out someone’s order number for 10 minutes with no response. We want to move on to the next order and we want you to get your food. Put down that phone, pause your conversation about who Mark got with last weekend, and pick up your food.

2. Get aggressive when people cut you in line

Stay calm. Be patient. Staring at the display cases or the food options is making ya drool, I know. But you WILL get your food and it will absolutely be delicious and worth the wait.

3. Be indecisive

It’s always unfortunate when customers have been waiting 20 minutes in line and take their sweet time once they GET to the cash register to go back and forth between options.

Be prepared and go with your gut instinct of what you’re craving. It gets you your food faster and everyone else’s food to them faster. The poor people behind you have the same urgent need for extra guac as you do. But if you really can’t decide, ask the employees what they think is best and then actually take their suggestions.

4. Tell the cashier your life story

Interesting, really. But maybe tell your friends over the food you should be ordering instead of holding up the line for life advice.

5. Ask the cashier about THEIR life story

We are there to sell you food and move on. I'm all about friendly conversations and politeness, but it’s uncomfortable to get interviewed about my dreams, goals, wishes, brother’s goals, brother’s mailman’s goals, etc.

6. Try and order something that isn’t on the menu

We have a menu for a reason. Secret menus are one thing, but making things up or requesting old items is just hard for everyone involved.

7. Take pictures to document your entire experience of buying food

I like to Instagram/tweet/snapchat my food as much as the next person. But to document walking through the door, waiting in line, the employees serving you, and taking pictures of your food before you’ve finished talking to the cashier is just too much. Take your time AFTER getting your food to arrange your cupcake for that beautiful social media-ready shot. More likes guaranteed (and more friendly looks from the people behind you in line).

8. Be on your phone

Order your food, then take a phone call. Respect the employee’s job and time as well as all the hungry, desperate people in line behind you. They will all appreciate you for being polite, and your life will be filled with only good things and good food.