
8 Raw Travel Snacks

Spring break is almost here! In addition to traveling to some awesome destinations, sipping margaritas on the beach and basking in the sun, many of us will have to endure the always unexciting airplane food– yuk. Instead of chomping down on dry, overpriced terminal snacks or in-flight fare, take a few minutes to pack your own refreshing and healthy snack options. These snacks won’t crumble and make a mess. Plus, they’re not too odorous–which helps out those of us prone to motion sickness and saves your fellow passengers from the stench.

1. Carrot and Celery Sticks

Photo by Eugene Ang

These vegetables are the perfect snack to munch on if you like something crunchy on long trips. Carrots are high in vitamin A–the beauty vitamin–and will help keep your skin looking and feeling fresh while you travel.

2. Cucumber

Courtesy of Bill Davies on Flickr

Crisp and packed with water, cucumbers are a great snack to help you stay hydrated while flying.

3. Dried Mango

Photo by Eugene Ang

Dried mangos are satisfyingly chewy and perfectly sweet without any added sugar. They’re usually sliced into well-portioned slabs that make them easy to grab.

4. Raw Almonds

Photo by Eugene Ang

Enjoy a handful of heart healthy almonds. Be careful not to consume piles and piles because almonds can be difficult to digest.

5. Fresh Berries

Photo by Eugene Ang

Buy whatever is in season! These small fruits can quench any sweet tooth, making them the ultimate alternative to a bag of M&M’s.

6. Apples

Courtesy of umspoonphotogrpahs

Apples are the ideal snack to have while you are traveling. This easy to pack fruit is super filling and full of fiber.

7. Clementines

Courtesy of Sean Koetting from UT Spoon

It’s hard not to love these cute, easy to peel bundles of juicy citrus. Clementines will boost your immune system with their high vitamin C content.

8. Dried Fruit and Nut Bars

Courtesy of umspoonphotographs

Try to go for the less processed snack bars. Lara bars are my personal favorite (try peanut butter cookie and apple pie!). Literally, the only ingredients in them are fruits and nuts.

Additional notes:

Happy travels!