There are numerous careers available to those who have a passion for food, whether it is exotic cooking, baking, or following the latest health food trends. The following are some of the most interesting and available food-related careers available. No matter what you major in, you can likely follow your foodie dream.

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If you enjoy cooking, baking, and preparing meals for your friends or for large family gatherings, then this is the job for you. As a caterer, you must have an eye for design, be able to meet deadlines, and accommodate for customer requests regardless of personal taste.
Research & Development

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If you love science but also want to exercise imagination and creativity when it comes to developing food products and recipes, then you should consider an R&D position in the food industry. R&D food scientists and technicians are hired by private labels, such as President’s Choice, as well as most food companies. R&D teams have now become an integral part of any food manufacturer. Teams can range from one to ten people.
Quality Assurance

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If you love science and food, but lack creativity, consider looking into a quality assurance job. In large companies, there are microbiological, chemical, and general quality assurance individuals for the entire food safety team. Smaller food producers typically have a general quality assurance team whose roles involve maintaining the safety and quality of the food through written programs, inspections, sanitation, and testing of the production area.

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Dietitian is the perfect career if you are one of those friends who prefer to educate others about their food and eating habits. Dietitians typically work via appointments, where people personally decide to meet them or are referred to by their doctor.
Some of the responsibilities of a dietitian include implementing ways to improve your diet and eating habits for a better life and also analyzing an individual’s diet for a possible health problem catalyst. The government and public institutions, like schools, also hire dietitians to create policies and develop dietary requirements.

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This job is for all you perfectionists, those who have a tendency to over practice until they can do a task to the highest of standards. A barista must also have a passion for quality coffee and espresso, and please note that Tim Hortons and Dunkin’ Donuts do not count as fine coffee establishments.
Food Broker

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If you have a sales, marketing, or business degree and wish you had studied something related to food, there is no need to worry.
A food broker is hired by companies to act as their sales agent, which entitles them to negotiate sales between the producers, wholesalers, and retailers, while also staying true to their major by doing the marketing and advertisements. Food brokers can be freelance or form their own firms, which is also an excellent entrepreneur opportunity.
Food Photographer

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With the recent popularity in Foodie Instagram accounts, this job probably seems like it is out of a storybook. Food photography is typically for commercials and advertisements, thus the pictures must be of the highest quality and need to showcase the food as appealingly as possible. Creativity, patience, as well as excellent photography skills, and experience are minimum requirements.
Food Stylist

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Food photographers are often also food stylists, yet in some cases, they may hire an individual who specializes in arranging food to enhance its appearance. Menus, cookbooks, and magazines all utilize food stylists to ensure the food appears fresh, eye catching and delicious.