
7 of the Weirdest Things You Can Buy at Whole Foods

Weird is the new cool, amirite? Whole Foods is known for its classic healthy fare, like organic fruits and veggies. But somewhere, hidden on their shelves are items so crazy that Andrew Zimmerman ought to consider making a show about them. So hop on the Whole Foods roller coaster and get ready to try these weird hidden gems.

1. Bacon and BBQ Potato Chips Chocolate Bars

Photo by Emma Burchfield

As the Black Eyed Peas would say, “this is some next level sh*t.” Peanut butter and crisp wafers no longer make the cut for chocolate mix-ins. Both of these bizarre flavors are the perfect solution for your sweet and salty cravings.

2. Stage Fright Pills

Photo by Emma Burchfield

This homeopathic medicine can get you through your pre-performance butterflies, no Xanax required. Who knew there was a problem Advil can’t fix?

3. Kitty Rub

Photo by Emma Burchfield

You know its name, not its story. Though named in honor of rescue cats, this is really just a BBQ seasoning for veggies, potatoes, chicken, beef, pork, etc. Perfect for any rowdy BBQ occasion.

4. Cheddar Beer Potato Chips

Photo by Emma Burchfield

This is a tailgater’s dream come true…and the best part? They’re all natural. Goodbye salt & vinegar, hello cheddar beer.

5. Meatless Meatballs & Chickenless Nuggets

Photo by Emma Burchfield

Is it even legal to have such a contradicting name? I mean seriously, we want the real deal. On the bright side, they’re vegan, cholesterol free, contain no saturated fat, and are a good source of protein.

6. Mimolette Cheese

Photo by Emma Burchfield

At first glance, this may not seem so weird. But when we talked to the Whole Foods cheese aficionado, he explained that the holes on the outer part of the cheese are from mites, the bugs (ew). For a while, Mimolette cheese was banned in the US, but this delightful French cheese is here to stay.

7. Liquid Smoke Hot Sauce

Photo by Emma Burchfield

Caution: do not take the name of this hot sauce literally. Unless you read the label carefully, you might not know that its actually edible. Spice up your life with this if you’re brave enough to try it.

Now, you’ll never leave Whole Foods as a basic b*tch again.

Craving more strange eats? Check these out: