
7 Things You Realize During a Social Media Break

We're well into the 2017 season of Lent, a Christian practice of self-reflection and self-denial through fasting. Many people elect to give up vices for a 40-day period and focus on their relationship with Christ. If you're anything like me, you may have decided to engage in a social media break this year. And if you're anything like me, you're no stranger to these realizations.

1. Checking apps first thing in the morning is a tough habit to break.

Your alarm goes off. You yawn, stretch and impulsively grab your phone to unlock it. You scroll through your apps. And scroll. And scroll again. "Wait, where is..." you'll say, panicking before remembering that your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat apps are all deleted. I assure you, you will do this every morning for a week or two. I also assure you that you will eventually get a grip.

2. Finding other ways to stay in the loop can be challenging.

In this day and age, social media can be the first way to find out about something. Whether it's a crisis somewhere in America, the latest on Trump or your favorite celebrity getting a divorce, trending news on social media keeps you in the know at all times. You can still be up-to-date on the latest happenings in the world, but it is a little weird having to bypass social media in order to get there.

3. Bathroom breaks are a little different.

What's the best place to catch up on all the things your friends have tagged you in throughout the day or watch a few of the latest videos from your favorite YouTuber? None other than the porcelain throne, of course. Well, now you can just read a book or something during your relief sessions. Archaic, I know.

4. You'll forget birthdays without notifications to remind you (Thanks, Facebook).

Even when you're really great friends with someone, the notification you get reminding you it's their birthday and to write on their timeline comes in pretty clutch. Without it, you'll either need to jot them down in your planner the old school way or prepare to feel like a really crappy friend.

5. Meme withdrawal is an actual thing.

If there's one thing social media is key for, it's keeping up with the latest memes. If you're a hardcore meme lover, you know this. Not only do those hilarious pictures, videos and GIFs spread like wildfire, but they die down just as quickly as they start. Before you know it you're laughing at something that was funny to Twitter users eons ago (and by eons I mean three days).

6. You now have a lot of free time, the time you used to spend aimlessly stalking people.

We all do it. Admit it. You see a nice picture of someone you know and before you know it you're 106 weeks deep into their ex-boyfriend's cousin's roomate's Insta feed. Well, not only will you have to find a less creepy way of finding out the name of Jessica's ex-boyfriend's cousin's roomate's cat, but you'll save yourself a lot of time when you resign from your stealthy lurking.

7. There's a sense of peace in not posting everything.

Asserting self-control and denying yourself the guilty pleasure of social media, despite the initial difficulty, can be quite a rewarding experience. You'll get into the swing of experiencing life rather than capturing it through your phone's camera lens. It's refreshing to live without being preoccupied with posting or paying attention to what other people post. It's a whole new kind of freedom.

Whether you're in the middle of a break from social media or considering taking the plunge to unplug, remember that everything will be okay. You'll get over your instinct to check your phone for notifications every five seconds, and you'll emerge from this cleansing happier, stronger and revitalized.