Whether you’re an experienced yogi or tentative newbie, you know that yoga is all about balance — including both the body and the mind. In order to maintain this balance, there are a few things to watch out for. Read on to learn about the most common mistakes people make before sweating it out on the mat.
1. Rush yourself

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Make an intention to dedicate a portion of your day to yoga, and give yourself time. Frantically trying to get things together at the last minute, showing up in the wrong attire or feeling starved/too full/stressed can all contribute to increased tension in your body, which takes away from you getting the most out of your practice.
2. Chow down

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Avoid eating a meal before yoga; your stomach needs to be relatively empty to twist and bend into your poses (think downward dog on a full stomach — no thanks). On the other hand, don’t starve yourself. A light snack like a banana, almonds or a smoothie at least thirty minutes before class is fine. And feel free to go crazy with the post-yoga food.
3. Get caffeinated

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Caffeine tends to throw off our internal balance; it triggers stress reactions like muscle tension and increased heart rate. Studies show that caffeine intake also decreases serotonin levels, or our “happy chemical” that contributes to our sense of well-being. Go for a green smoothie instead of your usual latte before your next class for better focus and meditation.
4. Throw one back

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Alcohol and balance have never been friends. Having even one drink can cause drowsiness, dehydration and low blood pressure, leading to shakiness — not what you want when you’re trying to finally nail that crow pose.
5. Chug chug chug

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While hydrating before yoga (especially hot yoga) is a must, drinking too much is detrimental for the same reason as eating too much food: a full stomach isn’t conducive to sinking fully into poses comfortably. Worst case scenario: over-hydration leading to hyponatremia, which causes energy loss, muscle weakness and cramps.
6. Apply perfume

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Yoga means constant deep breathing, and you don’t want strong fumes mixing with all the good vibes you’ll be inhaling; even light body sprays can be distracting and bothersome. Stay away from your Chanel No. 5 and let your natural smells prevail. Don’t worry about B.O. — you definitely won’t be the only one.
7. Cold stretch

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Stretching before you’ve warmed up gives your muscles less support and can make you feel like jelly (especially if you hold the stretch for over 90 seconds). Who wants a weak and wobbly warrior pose? Pre-yoga stretching can not only lead to injury, but it’s completely pointless; the poses throughout your session should incorporate easing your muscles into stretches slowly and safely.
Now that you’re prepared, go get your Vinyasa on. Namaste.