
7 Signs You have a Serious Addiction to Amy’s Ice Cream

With its quirky flavors, festive décor and spirited employees, Amy’s Ice Cream is the place to grab a cold treat in Austin. With 13 different locations throughout the city, Amy’s has captured the hearts of many ice cream lovers. In fact, Amy’s might not only have your heart, but have you downright addicted. But I mean, who isn’t, right? Check this list to see if you are officially an Amy’s addict.

1. You proudly claim the flying cow in the Amy’s logo as your spirit animal.

Photo by Natalie Choy

2. You’ve personally named each and every one of your favorite ice cream and mix-in combos (ex: Mexican vanilla + cinnamon = fried churro).

Photo by Dan Gentile

3. Dreams about that hunky scoop of ice cream landing in your pastel cup have become weekly occurrences.

Photo by Natalie Choy

4. You’ve seriously considered buying a t-shirt… until you realized how many more glorious scoops of ice cream you could buy with that money.

Photo by

5. You were slightly baffled when news broke out that Amy’s was opening Baked, and branching out into other sweet treats—isn’t it impossible to reach perfection across the entire dessert spectrum?

6. Wtf is a blue bell? A Red Mango?

Photo by Natalie Choy

7. You’ve already planned an Amy’s run after you finish this reading this article and are currently debating what flavor you will order (after copious amounts of sampling, of course).