
Why You Should Ditch Starbucks and Make Your Own Cold Brew

Sometimes all you need for a jolt of energy is a really good cup o’ joe. Whether you like your coffee hot, iced, or a cold brew, doesn’t change just how great the sip makes you feel. Some of us live off of coffee, and when the Starbucks line is too long for us, we tend to get a little crazy and impatient.

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Having to buy coffee every single day can get a little pricey, so clearly we all have to get clever with our coffee hacks and start making our own. Keurig machines are completely overrated and sometimes all we want is some nice cold coffee (thanks for burning my tongue Keurig).

Making a nice cold brew isn’t too complicated and there are so many benefits to making it. Here are seven reasons why you should be making yourself cold brew right now.

1. Cold brew is so simple to make

Photo by Lara Schwieger

There’s honestly no better way to explain how simple and straightforward it is to make cold brew coffee. It’s as easy as mixing together a bit of coffee grinds and some water and just letting it soak itself up. Cold brew takes about 8-12 hours, so I make it before bed to motivate me to sleep for that long.

2. It won’t be as bitter as other coffees

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Even if you enjoy your coffee black with no cream, sugar, or anything fancy, having it taste slightly less bitter is definitely a plus. The less time you leave the coffee grinds soaking in water, the less bitter and more weak it is. So, if you want to get a stronger kick you’ll want to let those grinds soak up for a few more hours.

3. It’s easy to flavor cold brew

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There are a few ways that you can go about flavoring your cold brew. Some people like to add spices into their coffee grinds before they start soaking them (cinnamon and #pumpkinspice are two popular ones). And if you only want to flavor one of your cups of cold brew, then you can add just about any creamer or flavored syrup that you want to.

4. You can ditch the ice cubes

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There’s no need for ice cubes when your cold brew has been sitting in the fridge for hours. Plus, you never have to worry about those frozen cubes watering down your delicious coffee because they won’t even be there.

5. If you can’t ditch them, DIY them

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If you can’t seem to part with having some kind of extra cold element to your coffee, you can try making your own cubes. Some people make them out of coffee, but you could always make them out of a specific flavor you might want to spice your coffee up with.

6. It makes a super quick Vietnamese-style coffee

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Vietnamese-style coffee seems to be a new fan favorite across Pinterest. Although it’s typically made with espresso, we can easily make our cold brew look just as cool and taste freaking amazing.

7. The grounds can be used as a body scrub

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Okay, so maybe you can’t just pour this amazing cold brew over your entire body and feel cleansed, but you can take the coffee grinds that are leftover from your brewing process and transform them into a scrub for your body or for your eyebags.

If you still need some more coffee in your life, try these: