Every foodie out there has friends who share the bond of loving all types of food. However, it is common for foodies to have a picky eater or even a group of picky eaters in their lives. Foodies and picky eaters can hang out with each other, but when it comes to food, your friendship with a picky eater gets complicated.
Here are seven struggles every foodie goes through with their picky eater friends.
1. They don’t know the definition of “good food”

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“Good Food” is basically anything people can say “OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN IN MY LIFE” once they have a bite of it. Picky eaters, on the other hand, wouldn’t know what good food is if it was shoved down their throats. Picky eaters will give the “I don’t like it” face once they have a bite of it. I always have lived by this one saying: “If you don’t love food, how could you love life?”
2. They hate your favorite restaurant

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Every single foodie in the world has one favorite restaurant that makes you feel like you dropped dead and went to heaven the second you step foot inside. You always get excited when you go the restaurant and order the food that you have been dying to get once you see the menu. But when you bring your friend who is a picky eater, the chances of them loving the place is a slim chance. Why is the world so cruel?!
3. They won’t try any new foods
Foodies don’t have one favorite food. Instead, we spread the food love with a list of foods that we care deeply about. Foodies even have a Tinder strictly for food. Foodies don’t mind sharing their food because we can share the love of our amazing food. However, what breaks our hearts is when our picky eater friends won’t even try the food we graciously offered. Rejection hurts, yo.
4. It’s embarrassing to order food with them

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It’s embarrassing when you have that friend that doesn’t like ANYTHING on the menu. It is even worse when you decided to share a dish with them. Your food options suddenly become very limited. So, you can either suck it up and order the way they want to be or tell them to pick out that topping and not whine about it.
5. Choosing where to eat is a major pain in the behind

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Going out to eat with a picky eater makes your life more complicated. You’ll have to go where they want to eat because you know that they won’t enjoy your restaurant choice. You won’t be able to go to the restaurant with limited edition orders that you been dying to go to. Instead, you’ll have to settle for fast food or plain pizza where you can basically get anywhere.
6. They will order the plainest food possible

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It’s painful to watch these picky eaters order the plainest dish on the menu. Do they have something against colors? Picky eaters will even ask to hold the sauce. They’ll even turn a bowl of ramen into just the freaking noodles. We’ll never understand why they won’t just love a dish the way it’s supposed to be.
7. They don’t know how to be adventurous with their food

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Picky eaters always have a hard time being away from their comfort zone. Whenever they try to eat new food, they always find a way to back out. Even going to a new restaurant, they always manage to find the one food on the menu they’ve had before. #BORING. But in the end, it is going to be okay because they can’t change your love of food.