Let’s be real, water isn’t everyone’s drink of choice. But our bodies need it, so by adding fruits and herbs, our H2O will pump up with flavor, adding a dose of vitamins making water far from dull.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
To start, let’s give water some credit it deserves. Water alone has numerous benefits like hydrating your body, aiding weight loss, wrinkle prevention (it’s not called the fountain of youth for nothing), and it maintaing healthy skin and nails.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
When you add fruits, vegetables, or herbs you’ll be replenished with all sorts of vitamins and minerals. This is great for daily use and perfect for the pre-workout energizer or to quench that post-workout thirst.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
Just leave fruit, veggies, or herbs in the desired amount of water for 30 minutes to soak and hang out for an hour if you really want to experience that flavor.
Here are some favorite enrichments for your H2O that’ll infuse health in your body.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
Don’t let stomach aches get you off focus during class. Loosen up those toxins a bit. Lemons provide great aid in digestion so you can comfortably learn those theorems, or send important texts.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
Say aloha to this tropical garnish. The enzyme in this fruit, Bromelain, will simmer down inflammation.

Photo by Victoria Georgetti
These red berries are packed with antioxidants and they’re oh so sweet.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
Invigorating and fresh, whole mint leaves not only freshen breath but are filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All that fiber, vitamin A, and potassium will make plain water drinkers green with envy.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
These have been used on the eyes for ages, but to give some cool vibes to your body just add slices to your water. Containing vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, calcium, vitamin K and potassium, cucumbers aid with weight loss, showing a side of vegetables you never knew.

Photo by Emma Del Vecchio
Before some intense cardio, zest your water up with citrus. They help to regulate blood circulation and are loaded with vitamin C to keep you going through your workout.

Photo by Danielle Gervais
No, not a kid with orange hair. Kick sickness in the butt with some ginga by adding some to your water for an immune system boost.
For more on the benefits of fruit and water: