
7 Easy Things You Can Do Now to Prevent Wrinkles Later

Recently in my Developmental Psychology class, we learned about “delay discounting” in young adults. Essentially, there is scientific evidence that shows that young people can’t help their “I’ll do what I want when I’m young, and I’ll deal with the consequences later” mentality. It’s this attitude that allows us to experiment with drugs, skip our lectures and fry our skin in the sun.

Right now, you probably don’t look in the mirror and think to yourself, “Hm… I better do something to prevent wrinkles from forming in a few years,” and believe me, you’re not alone.

Nobody wants to think that their smooth, taut skin will ever be filled with ridges. While aging is inevitable (and there’s nothing wrong with getting older), there are several easy things that you could be doing to prevent or to delay the formation of wrinkles.

What Causes Wrinkles?

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Before we can discuss what you can do to prevent wrinkles later in life, it’s important to understand some of their underlying causes. Typically, UV exposure, smoking and genetics are the ones at fault. There is some evidence to suggest that certain facial movements can exacerbate the formation of wrinkles, but TBH it’s pretty hard to control your resting bitch face, and while there’s not much you can do about your genetic predisposition, a study from the American Academy of Dermatology suggests that certain supplements and dietary changes may help to prevent wrinkles from forming.

1. Stop smoking

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Wrinkles are the least of your worries.

2. Wear a Hat

As the daughter of a dermatologist, I’ve been trained since birth to fear the sun. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started wearing hats to prevent my freckle-filled face from becoming one giant blob of freckles.

The good news is that baseball hats are hella trendy right now. You’ll look great repping your school, or you could go a little more subtle with any of these solid colors. Beyond baseball caps, you now have the opportunity to rock a fedora, floppy hat, cowboy hat or even a sombrero. Anything that will shade your beautiful face.

3. SPF Makeup

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This is a really, really easy swap.There are tons of great SPF-infused makeup products that you should definitely look into. I, personally, have been wearing Laura Mercier’s SPF 20 oil-free tinted moisturizer for as long as I have worn makeup. It’s light, but it provides great coverage, and although it’s a little pricey, it’s well worth it for me to invest in my face.

4. Sunless tanning

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There are so many reasons why you shouldn’t fry your skin in the sun or, even worse, a in a tanning bed. Instead of risking wrinkles, painful sunburns, skin cancer, damage to your eyesight or a weakened immune system, opt for the spray-on or rub-on version.

5. Cut back on sugar

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More and more, sugar is being named as one of the biggest contributors to many of the health problems we face today. While we all know a high-sugar diet is linked to being overweight or obese, did you know it also may cause wrinkles?

The AAD article claims that reducing your sugar intake may protect the elastin and collagen molecules in your skin. Damage to these molecules has been shown to lead to wrinkles and sagging, and while you should definitely be wary of the classic sugary suspects such as candy, cookies, cakes and ice cream, be sure to also be careful of these sneaky sugar-packed culprits.

7. Load up on antioxidants

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According to the AAD article, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, lycopene, green tea polyphenols, beta-carotene and cocoa flavanols have been shown to offer some protection from UV skin damage. You can find ’em in things like dark chocolate, blueberries, chia seeds, pomegranate seeds and spinach.

So, if you’re terrified of needles and don’t want to have to resort to botox when you’re older, consider these easy tips to help prevent wrinkles. You may not think about it now, but your face won’t be so perfect in a few years, and these little things have the potential to truly go a long way.

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Still hungry for ways to benefit your skin? Here ya go: