
7 Cringe-Worthy Peanut Butter Combinations That Actually Taste Good

Peanut butter is my lifeblood. I have a running joke with my friends where they always dare me “I bet you wouldn’t eat that with peanut butter.” I always do, and over the years I’ve had some interesting experiences. Here is a list of the weird things I’ve learned go surprisingly well with peanut butter.

1. Meat

Photo courtesy of Bing on

Any and all meat. I haven’t found a single meat that doesn’t taste better with peanut butter. Beef, lamb, chicken, fish, you name it. Goes surprisingly well with hot dogs and hamburgers, especially with some sweet relish.

2. Salad

Photo by Elizabeth Layman

I love putting it on a good salad. Instead of sprinkling my salad with almonds, I dollop a tablespoon of peanut butter right on top and drizzle my dressing afterwards. Delicious.

3. Yogurt

Photo by Justin Schuble

This one isn’t all that weird compared to the others. My go to breakfast is a cup of yogurt, a sliced banana, and a good spoonful of peanut butter.

4. Raw Broccoli and/or Carrots

Photo by Joanna Wicks

Whenever the dining hall dinner is especially lacking, I fix myself up a nice plate of raw broccoli and peanut butter. It’s healthy and also quite filling. I’ve also come to learn that dipping your broccoli/peanut butter duo in Sriracha is one of the most delicious things ever. Carrots also go awesome with peanut butter. 10/10, would recommend.

5. Scrambled Eggs

Photo by Rebecca Wang

I know you’re doubting me, but just give it a shot. I discovered it by accident one breakfast when some of the peanut butter I slathered on my pancakes snuck into the neighboring eggs. I’ve never looked back. Check this recipe out for the best scrambled eggs ever.

6. Rice

Photo by David Cui

Again, just trust me. Think of it as peanut butter rice pudding but better and more peanut-buttery.

7. Tortilla Chips

Photo by Chelsea Wu

I always dip tortilla chips in peanut butter and jelly when there’s no more bread in the house and I’m craving me some PB&J.

Still need more peanut butter? Check out these articles: