Cookies of all kinds are wonderful in their own way, but let’s go back to the basics. Chocolate chip cookies have been there for us since the beginning, and will be there until the end. Chocolate chip cookies in particular give us something extra special; their dough. With a winning cookie both baked and unbaked, let’s be honest, they’re bae by a landslide.
Here’s why chocolate chip cookies are the greatest of all time:

Photo courtesy of
Some say not to eat raw cookie dough, but has anyone ever gotten sick from it? We ain’t afraid of no salmonella. But if you are worried and your mom is on your case, try out The Cookie Dough Cafe’s edible cookie dough. It’s bomb.

Photo by Julia Gorlovetskaya
Ever think about wanting to dip something into your cookie dough? Look no further, here’s a great recipe for cookie dough dip if you want a guilt-free way to take your cookie dough to the next level.

Photo by Christine Kim
These chocolate chip cookie dough pancakes are a sweet tooth’s dream. It takes away your temptation to eat a dozen cookies for breakfast, while also supplying you with a fun, yet delicious spin on the classic chocolate chip pancakes.

Photo courtesy of
How many of these cookie dough bites can you fit in your mouth?
Cream Cheese

Gif courtesy of Elena Besser
Why have normal cream cheese when you can have this bagel stuffed with cookie dough and cream cheese? Eat your cookie loving heart out.
Stuffed in Pretzels

Photo by Abigail Wilkins
This is as unreal as it gets. Round of applause for chocolate chip cookies and soft pretzels for making the prettiest love child I have ever seen. Try this cookie dough stuffed pretzels recipe and experience it yourself.
Ice cream sandwich
I’m a HUGE fan of the original chipwich sandwiches, but if you were to put this cookie dough ice cream sandwich and a chipwich in a ring, the cookie dough sandwich would knock the chipwich out in .3 seconds.