
7 Bizarre Ways Europeans Eat Typical American Foods

We all know that Europeans eat way differently than we do, but who knew that they were integrating quintessentially American eats into their everyday lives?

Beans with Breakfast

Photo courtesy of

We all know that the British aren’t particularly well known for their excellent food, but this seems too far. Baked beans for breakfast?! They have gone way too far. I’m still not convinced on this one, but you do you Britain.

Butter on Sandwiches

Photo by Emma Noyes

If you have ever spent any substantial amount of time in France, you know that the French like their sandwiches very simple. Like bread, meat, and cheese simple. Which is so foreign (haha) to the monstrosity that the American sandwich has become. Just give this a chance; one bite of a warm buttered baguette with ham and Gruyere will having you dreaming of Paris.

Yogurt on Meat

Photo by Net Supatravanij

To the majority of Americans, yogurt is a sweet goop that you eat with breakfast. This is not the case in Greece. The Greeks add herbs and spices, such as mint and dill, to their yogurt and it becomes a creamy dip which is eaten with everything from pita to lamb. It’s basically sour cream, but way better for you.

French Fries with Mayonnaise

Photo courtesy of Jessica Spengler

To us Americans, this seems like absolute chaos but trust me when I say that the German folk really got this right. It is completely creamy and wonderfully fattening. If you’re too scared to try this with traditional french fries, start with sweet potato fries to make the transition a little easier.

Meat in Pies

Photo by Caty Schnack

The closest we get to this is chicken pot pie, but to most Europeans this means red meat or fish in gravy. Why aren’t we doing this? What could be more American than steak with gravy?! I rest my case.

Vinegar on Fish

Photo by Julianna Ruo

When getting fried fish in the US, your plate is usually accompanied by a bottle of tartar sauce or ketchup. In the United Kingdom, it comes with vinegar. Yes, like the stuff you make pickles or use for cleaning. This seems totally bizarre, but fish and chips are typically made with cod which is incredibly oily, so the vinegar helps to balance it. Give it shot next time you’re in London or any local fish shop, it may just surprise you.

Meat with Fruit

Photo courtesy of Flickr

While Americans have definitely started to catch on to the whole sweet and savory thing, the Spanish and Italians have it mastered. Where we have milk chocolate on bacon, they have prosciutto and melon. Way less processed and infinitely more delicious. Hear me out, I love chocolate as much as the next person, but this dish is so simple and elegant, you may find yourself munching on it all the time. Plus, who doesn’t love tapas?

Want to know more about food in Europe?