Mardi Gras is probably one of the best holidays in existence– there’s a reason why most Tulane students specifically avoid studying abroad during spring semester. All of this fun can sometimes make nutrition a low priority. That’s when our savior, the fanny pack, comes in ready to save us from starvation. These 6 nutritious snacks are perfect to stash in your fanny pack this Mardi Gras season.
1. Trail Mix
Trail mix is one of those perfect customizable and versatile snacks that can easily fulfill any nutritional needs you might have on the parade route. There are some great pre-made ones, but if you’re feeling adventurous, try to mix some extra ingredients to create your own special trail mix.
2. Roasted Chickpeas
Random? Maybe. But nevertheless, roasted chickpeas are not only a great snack at any time of the year, but they also provide that extra boost you need to continue letting the good times roll. Full of both protein and fiber, they easily earn a spot in your fanny pack.
3. Jerky
Again, another great source of protein that’s just small enough to fit in your fanny pack. Doesn’t matter what type– if turkey jerky is more your speed than beef jerky, feel free to switch it up. Now you’ve got a perfect mid-parade meal.
4. Protein Bars
This is a great option because you’ll likely never get sick of them since there’s so many types you can stock up on. No matter your tastes, come Mardi Gras, protein bars will never let you down.
5. Nut Butter Packets
These little, squeezable packets full of protein seem to have been tailor-made for keeping us well fed during Mardi Gras season. It’s easy to stash multiple in your fanny pack, and for those who are allergic to nuts like myself, sun-butter packets are a thing too.
6. Whole Grain Cereals
My personal favorite are Cheerios, but honestly, any cereal packed with fiber will do the job. Just put a handful in some plastic baggies, stuff them in your fanny pack, and you’re pretty much set for the day.
Will you be the epitome of health and nutrition during Mardi Gras? Probably not. However, hopefully this list will keep you well fed so you can focus on everything else Mardi Gras season has to offer.