
6 Quick and Healthy Hangover Cures for When You Can’t Even Function

The morning after a night out is not very pleasant. Odds are your head is pounding, you’re feeling dizzy, and you can’t bear the thought of being a real person. Next time you’re dealing with a nasty hangover, try these healthy, easy hangover cures and tips to come back to life.

1. Coffee

Photo by Ian Krout

It may seem obvious, but get a cup of coffee in your system as soon as you wake up. Coffee will ease your headache and perk up your brain functions.

2. Egg White Sandwich

Photo by Kelly Smith

Grease and carbs are typically a hungover person’s dream, but odds are it only eases your hangover for an hour or so. Try making an egg white sandwich on whole wheat toast next time you’re feeling under the weather.

 3. Banana and Oatmeal

Photo by Mikal Post

Bananas are packed with potassium, which is depleted when you consume alcohol. Oatmeal may not seem like an ideal hangover food, but it provides you with Vitamin B and minerals. It can also help you get rid of the alcohol faster throughout the day.

4. Coconut Water

Photo by Mikal Post

If you’re not ready to chug gallons of water, coconut water is perfect for a hangover. It contains potassium and is incredibly hydrating.

5. Fruit

Photo by Mikal Post

Fruit contains the sugar fructose, which naturally boosts your body’s energy while increasing the rate that your body gets rid of alcohol toxins.

6. Crackers and honey

Photo by Kelly Smith

Honey is packed with antioxidants and concentrated fructose, which will help you get rid of any remaining alcohol out of your system much more quickly. Any type of cracker will do.

Need more hangover tips? Check out these other articles.