Food blogging, or specifically food instagramming has taken over social media. Whether it be Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or even Snapchat, these media platforms are full of foodie accounts featuring everything from the notorious Tasty videos (which we’re all guilty of watching) to re-posts from our Facebook friends. Not only do these accounts share the common theme of food, but they also share content that is sure to be shared, liked, or commented on.
However, one thing all these food accounts tend to do is showcase drool-inducing foods from all over the world. Although this is great, and is sure to induce my hunger, it makes me wish that I could travel the world and just try all these foods. But, I’m a broke college student in Philadelphia; traveling is sure out of my budget.
Luckily, I go to a school in a city where there are so many delicious dining options it’s hard to pick where I want to go. Even luckier, there are dozens of Philly food Instagram accounts circulating that help me realize there’s so much great food around me that there is no need to travel far.
So if you live in the Philadelphia area, or are just passing through, give these guys a follow to see all that is offered here!

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A solo operation run by Mollie, Phillyfoodies posts several photos daily showcasing all the foods around Philadelphia. Not only does Mollie include her own photos, she often uses fan photos and reposts them to her account. Featuring everything from traditional Philly cheese steaks to Chickie’s and Pete’s famous crab fries, this account showcases native Philadelphia foods all while sharing the latest and greatest cuisines.
Not only does she take pictures and share these delicious foods, Mollie also tends to hold contests through her account! Be sure to keep your eyes open for freebies by following her on Instagram and liking her newly established Facebook.

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Another account run solo, Phillyfoodjawn is a little less active on Instagram, usually posting a photo once or twice a week. All personal photos, this Instagram account displays some of the most popular Philadelphia restaurants, including Insomnia Cookies, the Famous 4th Street Delicatessen, and Philly Flavor. Phillyfoodjawn also includes photos from little hole-in-the-wall cafes that are absolutely Instagram worthy. Be sure to follow this account to discover more small restaurants in the city!

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Run by a food-loving couple (major relationship goals), Phillyfoodforeal emphasizes in their Instagram biography that all their photos are strictly from restaurants around Philadelphia. One thing that Phillyfoodforeal does differently is their captions. In each photo, they deeply describe the food in their photos (which are their own and fan submitted), telling you what they’re eating and how it tastes. They’ll be sure to have you drooling from behind your phone screen; what better reason to give them a follow!

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In the heart of North Philly resides Templefoodies, an anonymous Temple University student running their very own food account. Although it is a fairly new account, this account not only showcases foods in Center City Philadelphia—that we college kids can be sure to afford—but they also show the food that’s offered on and around the Temple University campus. If you’re like me, you may find your options limited in the dining halls, so it’s refreshing to see the great food that’s hidden on campus! So if you’re a current student, prospective student, faculty member, or even just an avid foodie, give this account a follow to discover the hidden gems that lie in North Philly (and of course to show your cherry and white pride!).

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Created by two college students (one is a Temple student!), miss2foodies shares the sweetest and most savory foods of Philadelphia, all while spreading out and showing a few famous foods from other parts of the world, including the famous Black Tap Milkshakes. Their posts beyond Philadelphia are not too far away for us foodies to reach. One thing that is different about them from any other food Instagram account I’ve mentioned is that they mainly post sweet treats. If you have a sweet tooth as strong as mine, this will be absolute heaven for you. Even if you don’t have a big sweet tooth, give them a follow because desserts always photograph so nicely!

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Ain’t nothing wrong with a little self-promo, right!? Make sure after reading this article you follow our Instagram account to hear the latest on what’s going on over here at Spoon Temple University!