The Caf seems to be the place on campus where common sense and basic etiquette go out the window. With students darting different ways to grab food and find those ever-elusive forks, the Caf aesthetic can easily become overwhelming and downright annoying. General feelings of frustration and impatience are only amplified by the kinds of people below.
The person that goes backwards in the salad bar line.

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Everyone feels the urge to go against the flow once in a while, but the caf is not the place to do it. If you’re feeling rebellious, please direct that feeling elsewhere because it is not welcome in the salad bar line. Better yet, wait until there is no one there–everyone wins.
The person that takes care to fill up their glass to the very top when there are people waiting.

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I have one question for you: why? There are free refills, people. Plus, you’ll probably spill it onto your hand walking back to your seat while also trying to carry the rest of your food on one of the caf’s new, obscenely heavy ceramic plates. Just come back when it’s less crowded and get as many cups as you want.
The person that takes the last packet of your favorite tea.

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These are the worst kinds of people. There are those mornings when the only thing you’re looking forward to is that nice, hot cup of tea to give you a much-needed pick-me-up before class.
You get to the caf, reach inside the bottom of the tea box, and your fingers grab… nothing. Just nothing. Which leaves you with the choice of your second-favorite tea, or maybe an entirely different drink. And if your second favorite type of tea is also gone? I don’t know what to tell you.
The person that takes ten minutes picking out that just-right piece of fruit.

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I hate to break it to you, but it’s just fruit. Grab a tongful of it (or two), and move on. And if you’re trying to decide on which banana or apple to stick in your backpack before you walk out, all you have to do is look at it and grab one.
I’m all about getting the best banana the caf has to offer, but if it takes you forever to find one, you may need to lower your standards. None of this grabbing a piece, surveying it, putting it back, and repeating business.
The person that takes a booth for themselves during peak hours.

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You probably have lots of friends. However, unless they are en route to the caf, it’s a good idea to sit elsewhere. There are lots of us (a.k.a. groups of people that can fill a booth) that would like to sit down.
The person that takes the last two bowls at a station.

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Are you starving so much that you want to make the person behind you in line wait another 10-15 minutes for food? Because that’s what you just made sure of. That poor innocent bystander was looking forward to taking the last bowl of food and probably thanking their lucky stars that they got in line at just the right time for that to be possible.
And you just went and ruined that little daydream with your double-bowl habit. Be honest with yourself, you probably won’t even finish that second bowl anyways.
If you’re interested in other common cafeteria struggles, check out these articles: