Don’t have any student loans? Ah yes, here is your chance to need some. I present to you the most expensive desserts of all time for when your wallet is feeling a little too heavy on date night. But all will be worth it when bae eats her way to a gold bracelet and pile of diamonds at the bottom of her sundae, #amiright?

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1. $1.72 Million Diamond Christmas Cake
This double-layered, six-sided fruit cake took six months to design. It contains 223 diamonds totaling 170 carats, including a 5-carat heart-shaped diamond on the top. Apparently someone walked away with cake instead of toys from the Tokyo department store this was sold at around Christmastime last year…
Hopefully Santa delivered some materialistic goods from the neglected wish lists of the buyer’s kids that day—I’d be pretty P.O.’d if I asked for a hot pink Barbie jeep and dad came home with a dessert more awe-inspiring than my own Easy Bake Oven masterpieces.

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2. $7,414 Bespoke Macaroons
Depending on which flavors of these small buttercream-filled meringue cookie sandwiches float your boat, you could be dropping over $7k at Pierre Herme’s in Paris. Flavors range from classic to eclectic, including peanut butter, balsamic, red wine and fleur de sel.
Maybe he’ll eventually take requests for Nutella and Franzia to accommodate your cultured college tastes.

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3. $35,000 Chocolate Pudding Cake
Alternating layers of champagne jelly and Belgian chocolate flavored with whiskey, orange and peach are embellished with gold leaves, handmade chocolate flowers, champagne and strawberry caviar, and a 2.62-carat chocolate diamond ring set in 18-carat rose gold.
However, a few bites of bliss and jewelry are not all this semester-of-private-school-sized bill will get you; the dessert also includes complementary dinner, a bottle of Chataeu d’Yquem—priced at $800—and a one-night’s stay at the Lindeth Howe Hotel.
Chocolate pudding cake, AKA “the all-in-one proposal”.

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4. $25,000 Frrrozen “Haute” Chocolate
Some drink hot chocolate. Some drink chocolat chaud. And then there are those who drink $25,000 Frrrozen “Haute” Chocolate at New York’s Serendipity 3 with 5-grams of 23-carat gold in a diamond-studded goblet.

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5. $2,000 Doughnut
Head over to Krispy Kreme in the UK to grab this doughnut featuring Dom Perignon jelly, gold-dusted white chocolate flowers, a 24-carat gold leaf, and edible diamonds. I used to think eating a Boston creme doughnut without getting pudding all over my face was a challenge until laying eyes on this fancy sugar-coated beast.

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6. $26,010 Cannoli
This gold-leaf wrapped cannoli is filled with whipped ricotta and candied lemons. Not only does it sit in a bed of rich chocolate, but it comes with an Italian diamond necklace. Blessins on blessins on blessins.

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