
6 Food Blogs Every Aspiring Foodie Should Follow

I've been reading food blogs for quite some time now. They used to be "trendy" but now they've become a norm in the food world. Many people have been able to turn their blogs into their careers and even gone onto publish cookbooks featuring their work — sounds like an ideal situation to me. 

Anyone can start a food blog to write about their favorite recipes, restaurants, and cooking tips and tricks, but not every blog should be treated the same. There are only a select number of blogs that I trust when I am searching for something new or true culinary advice.

Here are some of the ones that I think go above and beyond the average food blog and are perfect for any aspiring foodie looking for inspiration.

1. How Sweet Eats

Jessica Merchant is the brains behind this colorful and creative blog. How Sweet Eats is one of my favorites because she can take ordinary dishes like hot chocolate and turn it into Pumpkin Nutella Hot Chocolate. Go to her page if you're looking for something fun & fresh to bring to your next get together. 

2. Joy the Baker

I've been a fan of Joy the Baker for a while now, and I have made many recipes from her first cookbook. Her blog has evolved over the years and not only features sweet treats but savory recipes too. Don't forget to check out her alter ego Instagram account, @drakeoncake.

3. My Name is Yeh

Molly Yeh makes all that she cooks and writes about seem homey and happy. She's a New York gal, but lives on a farm in North Dakota with her husband and her chickens, one of whom is named Macaroni — adorable. She also travels to a lot of amazing places and writes about her adventures which are just as interesting as her recipes. Her first cookbook was just published and I can't wait to check it out.

4. 600 Acres

I found this blog thanks to my Instagram explore page. Posie Harwood takes really beautiful pictures of her food, most of which are baked goods — my favorite.

5. Food 52

Truthfully, I'm not sure if this qualifies as a food blog or just a general wealth of recipes. Either way, Food 52 is one of the best places to find just about any recipe you are looking for. Did you see Jimmy Fallon make a panwaffle on snapchat? Food 52's got the recipe for you. 

6. Smitten Kitchen

This might be one of the OG food blogs seeing as it has been around for 10 years now. One of the great things about Smitten Kitchen is that she makes some really beautiful dishes, but nothing that requires you to be an expert cook to successfully make it. She also pays attention to what fruits and veggies are in season which is key. 

So if you're trying to prove to your friends that you really are a foodie, then make them a recipe from any one of these food blogs and I promise you won't be disappointed.