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5 Ways You Can Run on Dunkin’ Even if You Don’t Drink Coffee

With winter comes beautiful Christmas lights, freshly fallen snow, and snuggling under warm blankets next to the fire. But with it is also the unavoidable freezing, frigid weather. Every year, when winter hits, franchises like Dunkin’ release new hot lattes, mochas, and cappuccinos with wintery themes, such as White Chocolate and Sticky Cinnabun.

As glorious as these options seem, if you’re like me and can’t seem to enjoy the taste of coffee (no matter how many packets of sugar and flavor swirls you put in), you may have trouble figuring out what to order at a coffee chain because there never seems to be warm drinks other than coffee being marketed. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. This article will break down the top five non-coffee drinks to try at Dunkin’ this winter.

1. Classic Hot Chocolate

You can’t go wrong with a classic. Hot chocolate, in my opinion, is something everyone should have at least ten cups of every holiday season.

Dunkin’s classic hot chocolate is one of a kind and easily one of the best I have ever tasted. This drink’s chocolatey taste is not too strong or at all bitter. Rather, it is sweet, rich, and creamy, which is sure to warm up your entire body. It almost makes you want to spend a night in with a large mug cozied up next to a crackling fire. If it’s too hot, you can always cool it down with a little milk or whipped cream.

If you’re still not sold, try one of Dunkin’s various flavor shots to make your drink unique. Dunkin’ has a huge array of flavor shots to give your drinks something special. My personal favorites are caramel, French vanilla, pumpkin, and raspberry.

2. Mint Hot Chocolate

So maybe you like hot chocolate, but you want a special taste in it, and none of the flavor shots are really doing it for you. Not to worry: Dunkin’ has thought of everything. A Dunkin’ mint hot chocolate offers everything a regular one does, only this one has the cool taste of mint extract that is sure to keep your taste buds interested with every sip.

Mint hot chocolate, as well as other special hot chocolates, are only available at certain locations. If yours doesn’t have it on the menu, be sure give a flavor shot a try. You might find your new favorite taste in something you never could have imagined.

3. Vanilla Chai

In case chocolate isn’t your thing either, there are plenty of other options. We all know vanilla is the one flavor that is always going to taste the same, so it’s a dependable option. Dunkin’s Vanilla Chai is the only latte offered with hot tea used in place of coffee (really, I asked if it can be done with other lattes: they said no).

With the tasty vanilla flavor partnered up with creamy, mouthwatering milk, there’s simply no way you can go wrong with this one. And bonus: you get to jump on the latte bandwagon with your friends.

Vanilla Chai is one of a kind. While there are numerous options for coffee, hot chocolate, and hot tea, there is only one Dunkin’ Chai latte. So be sure to give it a taste. Maybe if the Chai latte drums up success, we’ll be granted more tea-alternatives. The power rests in our hands now. 

4. Green and Black Tea

Winter isn’t only a time when the weather gets cold—it’s also a time for catching colds. If you need something to heal your throat, Dunkin’s Harmony Leaf green tea and Bold Breakfast black tea are surely the way to go. These teas have a soothing warmth that goes down the throat easily and is sure to make any lingering aches fade by the time you reach the bottom of the cup. I highly recommend for singing auditions, sore throats, and long car rides home in the rain.

Harmony Leaf and Bold Breakfast are also considered  DDSmart Items, which makes them the ideal choice for your daily caffeine intake.

5. Decaffeinated Tea

For some, the main issue with coffee is the high caffeine content. Well, you’re covered there too. Whether you’re a lover of mint or a fan of the simple chamomile, Dunkin’ has four amazing decaf teas that are perfect for any time of day.

My personal recommendation is the Hibiscus Kiss tea. This combination of herbs and berries creates a delectable citrus taste that excites your taste buds with a juicy flavor — something you have surely never tasted in tea before. With just a little bit of honey, this tea goes a long way. It even keeps the hibiscus feel in its appearance, as the tea itself takes on a red hue. So if you’re a spiller, be sure to have some napkins handy.

Bonus: Food

A drink is nothing without a snack to accompany it. Dunkin’ offers an array of baked goods perfect for breakfast on-the-go or a snack in between shifts. Ask for them toasted to get that extra warmth you’ll need on the coldest days of the year. Whether it’s a pumpkin muffin, an everything bagel with butter, or one of the classic holiday doughnuts, there is no way to go wrong with Dunkin’s bakery.

So, think you’re ready to face the holiday season? Try any of these options, and you are well on your way to a warm, festive winter, whether or not coffee is your cup of tea.

My name is Maddy Grebler, and I am currently a senior in high school. I am the Newspaper Chair of a youth group called USY and the co-captain of one of my school's a cappella teams. I am also enrolled in a magnet program at my school for the humanities. I have a great passion for writing and love writing creative fiction in my free time. I am very excited to see where Spoon takes me and my writing.