
5 Ways to Turn Your McDonald’s Run Into a Romantic Date

Being in a relationship can be quite the wallet emptier, even after just a few months of dating. If you think an expensive dinner is the only way to go, you’ve been mistaken. I’m here to tell you that you no longer have to worry about your credit card being declined the next time you take your date out to dinner. Believe or not, your next romantic date could very well be McDonald’s. Here’s how.

Go to the drive-thru.

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Nobody wants to go inside and wait in line behind a noisy group of teenage boys or drunk classmates. Plus, the drive-thru makes it just the two of you, which is more intimate.

Pay for your date’s food.

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Since McDonald’s is cheaper than pretty much anywhere else, you have no excuse not to pick up the bill. Maybe even offer to pay for a McFlurry if the date’s going well. Take advantage of the fact that you could practically order half the menu for under $25.

Take your food elsewhere.

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Pick a place nearby to picnic and eat your McDonald’s. It could be a park, laying out on the hood of your car, or even back at your place. Whatever you do, do not eat at McDonald’s. Please. Don’t.

Be flirty while eating.

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This can involve feeding your date a French fry, or sharing a milkshake. You could even pull one of those “smush ice cream on their face and then kiss it off” moments if you want. Whatever floats your boat.

End the night with something little.

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The date doesn’t have to end once you’ve finished eating. You could take them home for a movie at your place, take a drive around town, or hit the beach and walk along the sand. The night is what you make of it.

The key to making McDonald’s into a romantic dinner date depends on how you handle it. These are merely guidelines, but in the end, it is your date and your relationship. You know what makes your significant other happy, so as long as you keep them in mind, it won’t matter if you’re eating a sirloin steak or a chicken deluxe.

Still looking for romantic date ideas? Check out our other posts: