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5 Ways to Use Mint in Your Daily Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Rutgers chapter.

Mint, a common herb, is mostly known for its breath-refreshing characteristics, but most people don’t know that there are many other health benefits to mint as well! Mint also improves digestion and is soothing in cases of nausea, headache, and motion-sickness. This herb can be used in many ways in your daily life that won’t change your life too much!

1. Fruit-infused water

Elizabeth Pang

Fruit-infused is a good, refreshing way to enjoy the summer! You can basically add any combination of fruits to your water, let it steep for 3-4 hours, and then enjoy! Above pictured is water with strawberry, mint, and lime. 

2. Mint Tea

Elizabeth Pang

Mint tea is good in aiding indigestion or upset stomachs. Just add some mint to hot water and let it steep for 5-10 minutes and then you can either keep the mint in or take it out. Then add whatever other teas or ingredients you would like! Here, I have mint steeped in jasmine green tea with a little lime. 

3. Add it to your smoothie

Elizabeth Pang

Mint adds a hint of a refresher to an already refreshing smoothie! Add it to any smoothie you like, and I guarantee it will not only make your smoothie taste better, but you can feel even better about yourself, knowing all the health benefits of mint!

4. Freeze them into mint ice cubes

Elizabeth Pang

This is great for any summer treat! Whether you want to put this in your smoothie to blend up, or add to your water, these ice cubes are so useful in the scorching summer sun. 

5. Smelling the Leaves

Elizabeth Pang

Although this sounds somewhat strange, the odor of mint is known to curb hunger, which is a great dieting tactic! You can either plant them in a pot with soil, or you can put a few mint stems in a mason jar with some water.