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5 Ways to Pack Munk Pack’s Cookies and Squeezes

Being healthy is something that most of us strive to be, but struggle with. A small step that’s often taken to reach this point is through dieting, but most diets don’t work and often come with negative behaviors and toxic mindsets. Thanks to brands such as Munk Pack, not only are you now capable of eating healthy foods that are portable with a positive mindset, you’re now able to enjoy what you’re eating without guilt; here’s what I mean. 

What’s Munk Pack?

Munk Pack is a healthy snack brand that only uses the finest ingredients and keeps their products minimally processed. As a company, Munk Pack has four protein cookies and five oatmeal fruit squeeze flavors. Here’s what you should know about their products:

For Munk Pack’s protein cookies, flavors include ‘Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip,’ ‘Double Dark Chocolate,’ ‘Coconut White Chip Mocha,’ and ‘Oatmeal Raisin Spice.’ All of their cookies are kosher dairy, certified gluten-free, non-GMO and vegan, and comprise of 18grams of plant-based protein. Each cookie is $2.79 and can be purchased either through Target, Amazon or through Munk Pack’s website.

On the other hand, flavors for their oatmeal fruit squeezes include ‘Apple Quinoa Cinnamon,’ ‘Blueberry Acai Flax,’ Maple Pear Quinoa,’ ‘Peach Chia Vanilla,’ and ‘Raspberry Coconut.’ All of Munk Pack’s oatmeal fruit squeezes are OU kosher, certified vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free. The oatmeal fruit squeezes are $2.49 per squeezy pouch and can be purchased either at Whole Foods (in store), Target, Amazon, or through Munk Pack’s website.

How can their products be packed?

For starters, you can easily pack any of Munk Pack’s products away in a bag by simply throwing the product into the bag. All it takes is picking the product up, having your bag open, throwing the product into the bag, and then closing the bag up. Simple, right? Yeah.

Another way that Munk Pack’s products could be packed would be if you placed the product in a pouch and carried it around your neck. The same’s been done for pizza, but cookies and oatmeal are just as important in my eyes. Alternatively, if a pouch just isn’t cutting it for you, pack it in your pocket. Pockets usually come in twos, so you’ll have more than enough pocket property to carry around your cookies and oatmeal.

Munk Pack’s products could also be packed by attaching it to a PopSocket on the back of your phone. While this would require using some tape, you’ll have food with you, which is really what’s important. Finally, you could pack Munk Pack’s products by putting them in the hood of your sweater. Some people like me enjoy wearing their sweaters backward, so it’d just be convenient to have your cookies and oatmeal right in front of you.

While I understand that having to pack things up like an adult is hard, Munk Pack makes that easy for you. Their products hardly take up any space and will always be there for you, since they know when you’re stressed and hangry better than you do.

Liz is a 25-year-old freelance writer that's based in Brooklyn, New York with her foster cat, Leif. Liz has received her start in the media world at Spoon University, and has acquired over 3.8 million views on her Spoon articles alone with millions more views on her syndicated content while finding her appreciation for consuming and producing branded content. Liz also has her articles syndicated on Business Insider, Insider, MSN, and Teen Vogue in addition to having her most popular article cited by Elite Daily. Liz has also contributed to YourTango and Entrepreneur.When Liz isn't writing, Liz is probably listening to music, walking around aimlessly like the hot mess that she is, cuddling with her cat, consuming new food dishes and drinks, at an event, at therapy with her one and only therapist that she absolutely adores, at an appointment with someone from her medical team, making up random dance moves in her bedroom, or figuring out what to do with herself. Liz's favorite cheese is feta and a pet peeve of hers is when people don't use the word "simultaneously" in the right manner.To get in touch with Liz, she can be reached at itslizab@gmail.com, @astrrisk on Instagram, and on LinkedIn. Liz is always down to be invited to an event or to talk about food, booze, and mental health. Liz's pronouns are she/her/hers.Please be patient when getting in touch with Liz - she probably is unaware as to what day it is, and might be dancing for her therapist.... to the Macarena, of course.