
5 Ways to Start Your Mornings Better in the New Year

With the New Year just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about your New Year's resolutions. Most New Year's resolutions are something like cutting out junk food or working out every day. But New Year's resolutions don't need to be drastic changes. They can simply be multiple little adjustments to your day.

Instead of trying to make a resolution that you will most likely wind up breaking within a week, two weeks, or a month, this year try to make a couple tiny adjustments to your morning routine. You’ll be surprised how good you’ll feel without much extra effort.

1. Go the first 15 minutes of your day phone-free

Right when you wake up, don’t check your phone for at least 15 minutes, because the second you do, your day officially begins. The time without your phone allows you to plan what you want to accomplish that day and have some uninterrupted time to think.

2. Make a to-do list for the day

Everyday, make a to-do list of the things you wish to accomplish that day so you can be sure to optimize your time and avoid the stress of trying to get too many things done. Your list can also include some goals for the day, so that you begin to strive each day towards your greater goals.

3. Work out for 10 minutes

Working out in the morning doesn’t have to be a hassle. Just a couple minutes of stretching, running, or doing an ab workout will make you feel awake and ready to conquer the day. Plus, exercising in the morning will boost your metabolism, which in turn will allow your body to burn more calories throughout the day.

4. Eat breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you the energy you need to start the day, but, like exercising in the morning, it also speeds up your metabolism for the entire day.

If you have never really been a breakfast person, you could try something light like a banana in the mornings.  Breakfast is also the best meal because you have a whole world of options. From eggs to waffles to banana bread, there are endless breakfast options out there waiting for you.

5. Caffeinate!

Rushing through my house in the morning, I always convince myself that I have no time to make coffee. Instead, I drive to Starbucks. Well, the drive to Starbucks and the five minute wait end up taking longer than making my own coffee at home. Plus, I always feel really weighed down because the coffee is always really sugary and heavy.  Whether you drink tea or coffee, making your own caffeine fix instead of driving to Starbucks or Dunkin' in the morning will save you time, money, and calories. Also, making coffee or tea at home is better because you can make it just the way you like it. 

These five improvements will not only make your mornings better in the New Year, but they will also have a positive effect on your entire day. Here's to feeling more awake, energized, and productive in 2019!