
5 Scientific Reasons to Drink More Booze

Yes, you read that right. While your doctor isn’t likely to recommend pounding beers with every meal, studies have shown that moderate alcohol use offers some serious health benefits to its drinkers.

This knowledge is frequently kept secret due to the risk of excess, as the consequence of alcohol abuse can lead to serious health risks including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and more. But, staying on the sunny side of the glass, sensible amounts of alcohol can actually help you lead a longer, happier life. Below you’ll find five proven benefits to drinking.

Alcohol reduces the risk of heart disease.

Photo by Jess Lewy

While at first this may appear a little counterintuitive, a glass of red wine, particularly Cabernet Sauvignon, has been shown to better our cardio health by reducing blood clotting and lowering cholesterol. If you’re a little clueless about wine, now’s the time to educate yourself.

Alcohol increases libido.

Photo by Jess Lewy

Known to be an aphrodisiac, red wine contains the antioxidant resveratrol, a chemical that increases blood circulation and improves blood flow. Thus, when used in moderation, red wine also betters our sex drive.

Alcohol saves lives.

Photo by Jess Lewy

Conflicting with alcohol’s ability to kill, having a moderate quantity in your bloodstream aids in preventing brain trauma. The right amount of alcohol prevents inflammation and swelling, relaxes the nerves, and stops further brain-cell damage.

Alcohol makes us smarter.

Photo by Jess Lewy

While you probably shouldn’t get hammered before (or during) your next class, research has proven that drinking adequate quantities of improves our cognitive abilities, helping us perform better in areas such as logic and reasoning.

Alcohol helps us lose weight.

Photo by Jess Lewy

Girls, listen up. Studies of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital have revealed that in the case of women especially, having a few drinks a week can result in a loss of weight. Just make sure you’re sticking to low-calorie drinks.

The central idea here lies in the fact that too little does nothing, and too much does, well, too much. But just the right amount of alcohol consumption can make you an all around better, happier, healthier human being. Sign me up for Margarita Monday.

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