I have worked in the restaurant service industry for many years now, and I can genuinely say that although it has its ups and downs, I truly love it. It is something that everyone should experience at least once because it is such a rewarding environment. Here’s just a few key things that make restaurant work so worthwhile.
1. Every Day is Different

Photo courtesy of dailymail.co.uk
You can never walk into work and hold any expectations for the day. You may walk over to a table and find an old friend, who you’ve lost touch with, or Tom Hanks sitting there. To quote the Disney channel, “There’s never a dull moment.”
2. Your Coworkers Become Great Friends

Photo by Cheryl Ching
In the restaurant business, you’re all a team; you help each other out, always have each other’s backs, and all live the experience and atmosphere of the restaurant. The hardest workers and most entertaining people work in the restaurant industry, and to be able to join this kind of a team is very gratifying.
3. Customers are (Usually) Happy

Photo by Cheryl Ching
Food + social outings = happy people. Granted, you’re assured a few sour apples, but if all goes smoothly, your tables will appreciate your efforts. People come together around food, such as parties, and get-togethers, which makes for an overall atmosphere that is light-hearted and enjoyable.
4. Free Food and Discounts Bonus

Photo by Cheryl Ching
If your events involve pre-made foods or a buffet, you are guaranteed leftovers, and if your managers are nice and let you split it up, you’ve got your meals for the week. Usually, most restaurants give great discounts for on-shift meals. Even off-shift discounts tend to be around 20% off for you and the rest of your group, meaning that your friends will love you.
5. Gain Transferable Life Skills

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Working in a restaurant teaches you skills that are essential to life, such as tolerance, patience, multitasking and more.
With saying all of this, it is not an easy job, there is definitely a degree of tolerance and patience required. You have to be able to let the bad days slide, work hard, support your team, and keep a smile on your face. Restaurant work is not just a job, it’s an experience, and one that you should try, even just once.
Here’s some more thoughts on the restaurant industry: