
5 Reasons You Should Be Using UNC's New Food Delivery App

JoyRun is already making big waves as UNC's newest food delivery app, saving starved and stressed students in Davis, dining hall-exhausted south campus residents, and car-less Tar Heels everywhere.

But JoyRun's a lot more than a food delivery app - it's a way for students to get just about anything they need, make some money, and meet more people on campus.

If you haven't experienced all that JoyRun has to offer yet, here are 5 reasons you should start using it:

 1. You can get a whole lot more than food delivered

Forgot a phone charger? JoyRun's got your back. Don't have time to get your groceries this week? A runner is on it. Need a quick pumpkin to carve, a pie from Root Cellar for that party, or a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos to satisfy late night cravings? JoyRun, Joyrun, JoyRun.

While food is the most frequently ordered item, runners can bring a lot more than your usual Chipotle order. By hitting "Request a Run" in the app, you can type in whatever you want delivered and a runner can decide to pick it up. Damn, technology's a great thing.

2. It's affordable

As the stingy SOB I am, I rarely order delivery. Thankfully, JoyRun's changin' the game. The runner sets the delivery fee anywhere from 0-5 bucks, so you're not paying for much more than the item you want delivered, and tipping is available in the app if you wanna give the person who refilled your parking meter a little extra.

3. You can get the delivery anywhere 

Whether you're requesting an order or hopping on a current one, runners can deliver it to wherever you are, be it the 5th floor of Davis or off-campus housing. We're talking Cookout milkshakes right to your dorm, no car necessary. There's also an estimated time of delivery and a chat window to get updates from your runner, so you never feel out of the loop.

4. You can make money without much fuss

As a runner you can use a car, bike, or your own two feet to make a delivery, and you can set your own runs for people to hop onto or accept other people's requests.

This means that if you're stopping at Alpine before heading back to your dorm, you can get food for a bunch of people who live near you. But if you're gonna order lox or tuna, just know you're in for the stinkeye from the people behind the counter.

5. It's a great way to build credit

If you're doing a run, you pay for the item on your own credit card and JoyRun refunds the amount you paid plus the price you charged for the run, all through the app. You get the money back within 3-5 days, so its a great way to build credit. Because, you know, we're almost adults.

At its core, JoyRun is a community food and errand app. You can do runs as often as you like, order whatever you want, and meet a lot of people on campus. Eat on, broke college students, eat on.