Fairfield students know that once the end of first semester rolls around, Midnight Breakfast is right around the corner. This holiday tradition helps students bond together over pancakes and bacon (served by professors no less) right before the start of finals.
But, the guest list for this event has gotten considerably smaller this year. Only 100 tickets were sold per class, with the tickets selling out in three minutes for seniors and five minutes for underclassmen.
For once, it seems like all Fairfield students are desperate to go to Barone. But, if you’re without a ticket, fear not. There are still plenty of places in Fairfield to get your pancake fix–without waiting in a line that stretches to the LLBCC.
1. Chip’s Family Restaurant
Fairfield students love Chip’s, and for good reason. This pancake place seems to be packed whenever anyone tries to go. You should see how crowded it gets for Parents’ Weekend.
Though Chip’s sits awfully close to Sacred Heart’s territory, the pancakes here are totally worth the risk. And you get much more flavor variety here than you would get at Midnight Breakfast, due to all the mix-ins and toppings offered.
Ever had white chocolate Reese’s pieces pancakes at Barone? Didn’t think so.
2. Circle Diner
Located on Post Road in Fairfield, there’s not a place more convenient for pancakes and other breakfast fare this close to the university. Added bonus: the pancakes are big enough to feed a small army (check the Instagram for scale, because damn).
If you’re still not convinced, the prices are wicked cheap, giving you plenty of bang for your buck. $3.95 for three huge pancakes? I’m sold.
3. Andros Diner
The second diner to make the list, Andros is definitely worth the trip. A bonus of Andros is that this diner is open for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You know what that means? ‘Round the clock pancakes.
The flavor variety is pretty banging here, too. Aside from the usual chocolate chip, banana, blueberry fare, Andros offers apple pancakes as well. So you can pretty much have apple pie for breakfast here. Which sounds like my life dream realized.
4. Milkcraft
I know, I know, Milkcraft is an ice cream place, but hear me out. What is the most desirable thing on the menu at Milkcraft? The BubbleCone, which is basically a glorified pancake.
Except this pancake is a vessel for creamy, delicious ice cream. If you ask me, that’s a step up from basic bitch whipped cream and chocolate chips.
Just try not to get caught up in the ever-present, monster line!
5. Your Kitchen
In my opinion, there’s no pancakes like homemade pancakes. You can make them in any shape, size, and flavor that you want. My personal fave is this Greek yogurt recipe.
And, the Stag Store sells Bisquick, syrup, and powdered sugar–everything you need for a bomb pancake party! And plus, if you’re the one making the batter, no one can judge you for eating all the product.
So, while it might suck that you’re without a ticket, the situation definitely isn’t hopeless. There are plenty of ways to get your pancake fix, and you don’t have to watch some poor soul dance on tables while you try to eat.