
5 Youtube Fitness Channels You Need to Follow for the Best Workout

Let's face the music: going to the gym on the reg isn't always doable. But tossing in the towel and deciding to plop on the couch instead of even attempting to workout is a bit of a cop out. You don't have to put on a cute gym outfit, gear up for the winter tundra outside, or mentally prepare yourself to burn some calories. That's the beauty of the 21st century: you can basically do anything from home. Including working out, which the following YouTube fitness channels have made that much easier for you. All of these channels offer unique, tailor-made workouts for whatever you're feelin'. 

Dance Tutorials Live

Matt Steffanina has made quite the name for himself on the video sharing platform with his sick choreography for some of the biggest hits of the moment. He's appeared on Ellen multiple times too, which pretty much screams "I've made it." You could watch his normal videos multiple times and learn a few dances, or hop over to his tutorial channel where he breaks down almost all of his numbers. It's not your conventional hour workout, but all the more reason to try. You could be poppin' and lockin' your way to LA in no time. 


No matter how much time you have, this channel is geared for you. 30-minute full body workout or 5-minute flat belly workout, PopSugar creates easy and fun routines that'll have you moving in no time. Sprinkled in-between their workout videos are some heart-warming stories of business founders, trainers, and all-around fitness gurus that'll motivate you like nothing else. They also include the occasional recipe, like this Vegan Peppermint Mocha.


It'd be wrong not to mention every college girl's best-workout friend-they've-never-met while talking about YouTube fitness channels. Cassey Ho is the fitness guru behind the catchy name of Blogilates, guiding you through an array of fun and motivating workouts that range from Pop Pilates to evening stretches and all of the butt sculpting exercises in-between. Since Cassey is a certified trainer, you'll soon know why her channel is boasting 3.5 million subscribers and counting.

Yoga with Adriene

This is the most soothing channel of the bunch - with yoga for any mood, any time of day, and anyone. Yup, you don't have to be a self-proclaimed downward dog-doing yogi expert to enjoy Adriene's videos. I mean, yoga for a rainy day? Can you think of a more relaxing 20-minute workout? As mentioned in the channel description, she welcomes "all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls". Join the community for yourself and find your inner zen.

Boho Beautiful

Juliana and Mark are the bohemian yoga-loving couple you didn't know you needed in your life. Their YouTube aesthetic is more lifestyle than the others mentioned, but their fitness journey is inspiring and worth a few minutes of your time if nothing else. They throw a little sunshine your way with their easy-going videos that promote healthy living through veganism and working out in ways that work for you. Travel, learn, and exercise with the boho couple of the moment.

Regardless of your fitness personality, leaving for the gym can be a chore more often than not. Change it up without leaving the comfort of your living room and try out some of the above workouts for a dose of healthy in your routine.