
5 Healthy Dessert Recipes That Prove Beans Truly Are the Magical Fruit

Beans get a bad rap sometimes. Let’s be honest — they’re not exactly the sexiest food and they lack the glamour of the media-popular superfoods such as avocados or chia seeds.

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But what a lot of people don’t realize is that beans are truly a powerhouse food. They satisfy nutritional requirements — especially for those of us who don’t eat meat or dairy products — by supplying generous amounts of protein, fiber, and iron, among a plethora of other essentials. The best part? They’re cheap, so they make an ideal entree staple for college students.

While a fall-themed chili or kale-packed casserole are indeed great ways to make a satisfying meal out of a can that’s less than a dollar, I encourage you to think outside the 9×12 pan. Beans can easily be the key ingredient in one of my personal favorite food groups: dessert.

Apple Cinnamon Chickpea Cookies

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These scrumptious vegan and gluten-free treats had me licking the batter out of the blender before I could even form it into cookie-like shapes. When eaten warm out of the oven, they taste just like seasonally appropriate apple pie — although they’re much healthier than the standard issue one you’ll find on your family’s table for Thanksgiving.

Fudgey Black Bean Zucchini Cookies

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This recipe packs a double punch — not only do you get in your heart-healthy legumes, you can also feel good about eating a portion of your daily greens. All while simultaneously eating warm, gooey chocolate chips. What other food can you say that about?

Chocolate Chip Blondies with Sea Salt

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Maybe you shouldn’t try making these blonde babes if you’re not prepared to eat half the pan… Before you’ve even sliced them into squares. The combination of the melty chocolate chips (do you sense a theme here?) and the soft cookie dough makes stopping at one not an option.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Dessert Hummus

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Is the picture of the vat of chocolatey deliciousness not enough to convince you to sprint to the kitchen right now and whip out your can opener? Well, then, let me just bring your awareness to the beauty of this dessert spread that not only doesn’t require you to turn on the oven, but also allows you to eat it with a spoon out of a bowl with zero guilt.

Black Bean Avocado Brownies

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If the zucchini didn’t appeal to you earlier, would you be willing to try the luscious, unsaturated fats of previously mentioned superfood avocado in combination with the warm, ever-satisfying chocolate chips? Avocado toast was so last week. Put avocado in ALL the things.

What are you waiting for? Go clear the shelves at Trader Joe’s.

If that wasn't enough beans for your day, check these other articles out: