Sometime I wonder if there is something more frustrating than sitting in class while your stomach loudly broadcasts the fact that it’s competing with a dog in a barking competition. Oops, I mean, that it wants food (whether it be non-healthy or healthy snacks) in the belly like now.

We’ve all been there. The professor is going off about the fact that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, and all of sudden, your stomach makes an explosive sound, and you become conscious of the fact that you’re starving and that avocado toast sounds really good at the moment...because naturally, what else would you crave? It’s 2017 people.

You start thinking about the bright yellow, drooping egg yolk from the perfectly fried egg on top of the avocado lightly spilling onto your fingertips, the palatable taste of that thick slice of sourdough bread...and suddenly, you wipe the drool escaping your lips and you realize the mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell went from 0-100 real quick and you didn’t pay attention to anything that was just said.

Come on stomach, why you gotta play me like that?

Thankfully, snacks are a thing - a very wonderful thing. And if we pick the right ones, we can both nourish our bodies, giving them ideal nutrition to allow us to maintain clear and focused brains in class, as well as kick those hunger pangs to the curve, ultimately shushing our stomachs. The key to snacking in class is keeping the noise to a minimum to prevent the people in the class from giving you weird stares, indirectly asking you to keep it down. Silent snacks in, bags of chips out, my friends. 

In the spirit of fall and all of America bringing out their scarves, sweaters, and fifty cans of pumpkin puree out even though the weather says otherwise, here is a list of 5 fall-inspired, silent, and healthy snacks that are sure to bring a smile to your stomach while simultaneously providing incredible nutrients for optimal health.

1. Vanilla Greek Yogurt + Strawberries + Walnuts

Daniela Nessim

If you've been keeping up with the latest food news, then you know that healthy fats are all the rave lately, and for good reason. Science supports that incorporating healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats into our diet can have positive benefits on our blood sugar, brain, and heart. (Emphasis on the BRAIN; we are all students, aren’t we? We want that brain at 100% 24/7) Pack a small tub of your fave yogurt, a side of strawberries, and chopped walnuts for some healthy omega 3 fatty acids. The yogurt is rich in probiotics to support a healthy gut, and the strawberries are super low sugar to avoid that insulin spike. I don’t know about you guys, but this snack has it all. 

2. Homemade Pumpkin Bliss Balls

chocolate, cookie, oatmeal
Sara Tane

Your weekend meal prep needs these little babies: mix together some pumpkin puree, maple syrup, rolled oats, almond or peanut butter, and chia seeds, and then form the mixture into balls. That’s it. You can even freeze these to make them even more delicious! No blood-sugar raising ingredients featured - they all are foods filled with fiber, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and protein. Pack a couple of these bliss balls in a plastic bag to pop in your mouth during lecture. Thank me later. 

3. Whole Wheat English Muffin + Hummus or Pesto

Daniela Nessim

This one’s for my savory guys and gals. Pack a whole wheat english muffin and on the side pack a little tub of hummus or pesto for slathering. To make it fall-themed, you can even make pumpkin hummus! This simple yet quiet snack will provide a whole lot of fiber to keep us feeling full for longer as well as providing our bodies with lots of Vitamin A from the pumpkin. Pumpkin hummus is so easy to make and will literally taste like a pumpkin spice latte...not kidding. Just blend a can of chickpeas with a can of pumpkin puree, some garlic, salt, cumin, lemon, and a tablespoon of olive oil. However, you’ve been warned: this spread is way addicting. In terms of the pesto, Trader Joe's has the best one for only $3! 

4. Banana + Almond Butter

Daniela Nessim

Here’s a simple and sweet one for my people who leave the house super rushed in the mornings. Keeping with the theme of healthy fats, another incredibly easy and soundless snack to satisfy your hunger during class is a banana with some almond butter smeared all over. Almond butter is an incredible source of healthy fats, making it ideal, especially since no crunching is involved. All it takes is two seconds to pop a banana and a pack of almond butter in your bag before you scoot out the door!

5. Spiced Roasted Chickpeas

Daniela Nessim

I'm all about convenience items, so I never pass up the opportunity to stock my pantry with cans of chickpeas to always have on hand. They aren't just the perfect little beans for falafel and hummus; when roasted, they make the perfect protein and fiber rich snack! Simply drain and rinse a can of chickpeas, set them on a baking sheet with olive oil and your favorite fall spice or combination of spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, paprika, ginger, or turmeric), and roast them at about 300F for 30-40 minutes! Keep a good eye on them and don't let them burn; they'll get hard and too crunchy (aka the person sitting next to you in class will hear you). Take a handful to class in a bag and you'll be #winning the snack game. 

When your stomach is grumbling and your focus is on the beauty that is avocado toast instead of the lecture, these silent and healthy snacks are the way to go! Best part? They are so easy to switch up with different fruits, spreads, nut butters, and spices for increased versatility and nutrition. Next time the fact that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell starts escalating quickly, grab one of these snacks and all will be good in the world.

Plus, you’ll feel all cozy and ready for this fall season, and be there ANYTHING better?