
5 Pantry Staples That Are Healthier and Cheaper Than Ramen

You've known for a long time now that ramen is one of the cheapest foods out there. You've probably also been aware that there are healthier options, packed as it is with sodium and super refined carbs.

However, popularity is not always deserved. These five foods are healthy, easy, and cheap. Keep in mind, of course, that all these prices vary with brand, region, and product.

Peanut Butter: 25¢/serving

It packs a real punch in your diet thanks to its high levels of healthy fats from peanut oil. Foods high in fat (preferably healthy ones) are more filling when you eat them, and keep you fuller longer. The best part is that all you have to do is pull out the jar. 

Oatmeal: 23¢/serving 

If you're short on time want to be healthier, overnight oats is your fix. 1/4 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup milk (any kind), and 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats make for the base. Then you can throw peanut butter, honey, mixed nuts, chocolate, bananas, strawberries, and basically anything you want in there! When the oats soak overnight, they absorb the liquids, no cooking required.

Potatoes: 17¢/potato

First, let's appreciate that there are many kinds of wonderful potatoes. HuffPost has an extensive article on choosing regular ones for different dishes. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are pretty straightforward. Stick them in an oven at 400°F for about 45 minutes and you've got a gooey sweet treat.

Potatoes are tasty, flexible food stuffs, so they make great sides or even entrees. Try this article for delicious ideas to try, thought the healthier option will usually be the simplest one.

Rice: 17¢/serving

This might be my Asian half speaking, but rice is the easiest, cheapest staple out there. It can make a meal twice as filling, and no, you don't need a rice cooker to make it. Healthier yet, use brown rice for more fiber!

Just put any rice in a pot at a 2:1 water to rice ratio and bring it to a boil, then lower it to medium heat. When the water is completely absorbed (none flows up when you tilt your pot), set the heat on low while rest of the moisture steams the rice to perfection. Give it a taste test—when it's nice and soft, you're done!

Onions: 32¢/onion

Onions are a flexible and tasty addition to so many meals. Scramble them with eggs, add them to a quesadilla, or bake them chopped up with potatoes for an easy side.

Obviously your cart won't always look this wholesome, and you won't start cooking all of these right now. You don't have that kind of time! The next time you're shopping though, you can be a tad healthier by getting some rice for that stir-fry and some onions and potatoes for an easy side dish.