
5 Foods That Look Just Like Fireworks

The Fourth of July is the perfect time to throw a backyard party, barbecue, or enjoy a day out with the family. It's difficult deciding what food to make or bring that will put your celebration over the top.

As a previous sales associate at the TNT Firework Warehouse, I was required to know all of the different varieties of fireworks. I also had to explain what each firework did to customers to help them design their firework show.

To create the perfect food display for your night, take a look at the following foods that look like fireworks!

1. Cake Pops

Comet fireworks are round balls of light that shoot into the sky followed by sparkly slender gold tails. Festive cake pops sprinkled with bright colors and attached to lollipop sticks will absolutely resemble the comet firework effect in addition to being delicious!

2. Galaxy Doughnut

Fountain fireworks emit sparkling glitter a few feet into the air. The glimmering sprinkles give this doughnut a beautiful, bedazzled look that is bound to impress your guests!

3. Fruit Skewers

These patriotic skewers not only resemble the American flag but also look like roman candles! This fun display of fresh fruit is a great way to make a bang at your Fourth of July.

4. Popcorn

POPcorn already has a nice name for a firework, but so does its firework equivalent POP-its. You can't go wrong with this simple and tasty snack. 

5. Fruit and Yogurt Push-Up Pops

The red, white, and blue in these pops are super festive and fun. The progression of colors imitates how a firework progresses when lit. Watch the colors fade away as you sink your teeth into these push-up pops.

The Fourth of July is always a fun holiday. Celebrating with food, fireworks and friends is a great way to spend your Fourth of July. Remember to be safe while celebrating and have a great holiday!