Life is hard, being healthy is harder. Living a healthy lifestyle may seem like an impossible task, but it’s only as difficult as you make it. Here are some hacks I use to help me live a happy and healthy lifestyle.
1. Set Realistic Goals

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Let’s be real, if you say you’re going to work out twice a day every day, it’s not going to happen. It’s important to set realistic goals that are right for you. If you’re having a busy week, don’t beat yourself up about taking a few days off. School should always come first, but remember working out is always a great study break. You could even do these 6 workouts where you don’t even have to leave your desk.
2. Don’t Cut Out, Make Substitutions

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If you’re like me, then you’re not ready to give up your all-carb diet (seriously though, carbs make you a happier person). There’s no reason to cut out your favorite foods, especially when you can find a healthier version of them. Some of my favorites are Ezekiel bread instead of normal bread, soy or almond milk instead of regular milk, and the all-magical Greek yogurt that can be substituted for way more than you think.
3. Moderation, Moderation, Moderation

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Are you tired of hearing your mother say everything in moderation? Yeah me too. Unfortunately for all of us, it’s pretty true. It’s probably frowned upon to stuff your face with cake every night, but don’t let trying to be healthy stop you from treating yourself here and there. A good rule to follow is the 80/20 rule, meaning 80% of the time you do your best to eat healthy, and for the other 20% you can live a little.
4. Eat On a Regular Basis

Photo by Mackenzie Barth
I know you’re also probably tired of hearing that you’re supposed to eat breakfast, but starting the day off right really is important. Eating three, solid meals a day with some morning and afternoon snacks will keep your metabolism up and give you the energy you need to exercise. Starving yourself all day will only lead to you stuffing your face later, and although that’s enjoyable every once in a while, no one likes feeling sick after a great meal.
5. Work Out With a Buddy

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I’m not just talking workout buddy here, I’m talking cook together, eat together, live healthier together buddy. Of course having a work out buddy is fun, but it’s even more fun having a buddy to battle the every day struggles of being healthy with. Holding each other accountable for those unhealthy choices might just keep you from that late night pizza your drunk-self can’t resist.