Valentine’s Day is coming (insert *gag* or *swoon*), and if you’re like me, the one you love is too far away #LDRprobz. Opportunities arise and life happens, so you end up apart (boo). But that doesn’t mean that you guys can’t make some memories together. Try these 5 food-themed date nights to make your Valentine’s Day and relationship a little more sweet than bitter.
1. Dinner and a movie: With technology like FaceTime and Skype, you’re never really that far apart. Decide on a recipe and cook it together. Then fire up your Netflix accounts and settle in with your favorite Rom Com. Pants optional.

Photo by Erica Coulter
2. Deliver the love: Surprise your S.O. with a hot and steamy…pizza. Call a local restaurant or use a delivery service like EatStreet and have his/her favorite meal delivered. BONUS: If you’re ordering pizza, consider requesting a pepperoni heart. Balls to the wall.

Photo by Erica Coulter
3. Send a sweet care package: Find out what your S.O. has been craving and bake it for him/her. Cookies, candy, fudge, and puppy chow are all great options for shipping. Include a candle to set the mood, a mixed CD filled with “your songs,” and a cute note.

Photo by Erica Coulter
4. Cookbook club: Find a cookbook that you both like and try a few recipes from it. Share tips and tricks with each other that you discovered through your own experience making the dish and then enjoy your hard work. Plan to cook together once a week until you’ve made it through the entire book. For inspiration, here are 11 Unconventional Cookbooks You Didn’t Know You Needed.
Photo by Meeesh’s Kitchen
5. Sign up for our newsletter: Word has it that Spoon offers the latest dish on food. Sign up, light a candle or two and spend your evening discussing the latest, greatest news together.