
These 5 Dishes Prove Jewish Holidays Have the Best Food

I am someone who is lucky enough to have most of their family nearby, so when the Jewish holidays come around, the part I look forward to the most is the food.

The brunch food I get to have is what gives me hope through Yom Kippur, the day of no eating, and what keeps me going during the hour-long services. Although I have to say that Thanksgiving has my favorite foods, in September and October, these classic foods certainly keep me satisfied. These are the foods that I get most excited about on the Jewish Holidays. 

Bagels and Lox

Of course, you can eat bagels and lox any time of the year, but it is still a food that reminds me of the holidays. As someone who doesn't like lox, I remember being a little kid and being so grossed out by the smell of the salmon.

Now, it puts a smile on my face because the smell reminds me of being with my family. I would definitely recommend some cream cheese with your bagels and lox as well. 


A quiche is basically an egg pie that can have pretty much anything added to it, whether that be cheese, mushrooms, or broccoli. This quiche is a crustless quiche, but for me, the crust is the best part. If it's flaky, it melts in your mouth and is a good balance to the eggs. 

Potato Latkes 

Most people think of potato latkes as more of a Hanukkah food, but I say fried potatoes are good any day of the year. If you can get the outside crunchy, I think that's the best part. Served with applesauce, it's a perfect appetizer for your feast.

Noodle Kugel 

Noodle kugel is something I really feel is special to Jews, and especially to the Jewish Holidays. I don't feel like this food is something that is eaten year round, like the others.

Noodle Kugel is like a big noodle lasagna and the inside has the texture of a potato pancake. There is often also a surprise of raisins inside which adds a good sweet element to the kugel. 

Matzah Ball Soup

Okay, maybe this one is just my family. I know matzah ball soup is typically eaten on Passover, but in my family, Rosh Hashanah dinner always starts off with a steaming matzah ball soup. With some challah dipped in it, it's almost impossible to mess up. Whether ordered in, or specially made by your grandma, every Jew has memories attached to this soup. 

Don't worry, although the Jewish holidays are almost over, in the blink of an eye, it'll be April and our mouths will be filled with matzo brei, hamantash, and hiding the afikomen.